World has become an unsafe place as health related issues in humans are rising with an immense increase in diseases that are uncontrollable and lack efficiencies in precautions and such diseases and infections are life threatening for humans. HIV is one of these infections, which surrounds the human body leading to threatening attributes.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a stipulation in human beings, which is caused through dysfunction of the immune system. HIV is a contagious virus, which is reproduced or replicated through contact from inflected cells in another human being although the human immune system is strong in killing viruses but the HIV organism carries strong components of destructing the human immune system.
The progressive failure produced by the HIV permits opportunity to life threatening infections and prospers cancer to the human body. HIV infection activates through transfer of blood, breast milk, vaginal fluid, or other bodily fluids from another infected individual.
HIV is a growing concern for the whole world as its causes and effects are uncontrollable after the infection attacks the human body and later as it results in life threatening death. World Health Organization (WHO) relates the HIV infection as the most pandemic infection (World Health Organization, 2001). According to stats and figures, almost 0.6% of the world's population is infected with HIV. Moreover, from a global perspective in 2009, 1.8 million lives were affected by the highest form of HIV, which is AIDS. From the point of discovery in 1981 to the point in time, 26 million people are killed because of HIV AIDS. Nevertheless, attempts are made by authorities to provide education programs and awareness to construct knowledge of HIV and its related infections. However, universal availability of antiretroviral medication, which is a hope for curing HIV, is not available for sufferers (ABEBE & AASE, 2007).
Cycle of Infection
HIV infection is dysfunctions the immune system presented in the human body, the destruction of the cells allows HIV virus to replicate itself in the human body. The small particles of HIV replicate through three enzymes called reverse transcriptase, protease, and integrase resulting into a DNA, which was formerly a single stranded RNA. The HIV infection known as retrovirus is a special class of virus, which are needed to generate structural proteins to form and control new virus particles. The cycle of this deadly infection begins when particle of virus collides with ...