Causes And Effects Of 9/11

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Causes and Effects of 9/11

Causes and Effects of 9/11


9/11/01, a day which will always remain unforgettable for the people of United States. On this day, nineteen terrorists first got on various commercial airplanes, then hijacked them and after that bumped them into various targets set on the eastern coast. The Pentagon and World Trade Centers were their major targets (Schaeffer, 2005). Some of the planes lost control and smashed into in fields. There are a number of theories to why this sadistic act of terrorism took place, the most logical being the foreign policies of United States in the middle east, particularly its back for Israel (Schaeffer, 2005). Thus, the nine-eleven attacks, are a reaction to foreign occupation, and the most contentious the CIA; each and every cause bringing about the terrible attacks on the United States of America.


What are the Causes and Effects of 9/11?

The first major cause is the foreign policies of United States especially supporting Israel in a number of ways. According to Osama Bin laden, this was the major ground behind al Qaeda's attack on America. Bin Laden's decision never originated from the culture of United States however from the U.S. back for Israel. In particular the support it offered to Israel's incursion on southern Lebanon in the year 1982 (Harf, 2005). This particular event activated and prompted anti-Americanism in Bin Laden. In vengeance his first actions included a boycott of goods produced or manufactured in U.S. in 1980s. However, as problems shoot up in the Middle East several groups started to have similar feelings towards America as Bin Laden. All through this time period bonding between America and the Middle East depreciated even more. The decision which made the situation even worse was to set up five hundred thousand troops from the US to Saudi Arabia ...