Cause And Effects Of Social Networks

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Cause and Effects of Social Networks

Cause and Effects of Social Networks


Social networks have indeed marked the revolution in this era. Many organizations use it for the benefit of their business and conduct the commercial dealings through it. Similarly, individuals connect through social networks and use it for entertainment purpose. The unprecedented growth of social media and networking has changed the modern day society. This has completely revolutionized the way people communicate, socialize, and even spend their time (Van Duijn, 2006). The change is a very exciting for the modern society. Like any new technology, social networking too is charged with its cause and effects. People have their own reasons for claiming that social media is good for society and those who contradict the claim also have strong views to support what they hold. This paper explains the various causes and effects of the social networks which prevail in the modern society these days.


Social network has various cause and effects on the modern society. Social media is harmful for the society in many aspects. It is changing the norms of the society and the social networking websites have transformed the modern society into a new archetype. People are very much indulging in the trance of social networking that they prefer meeting others over the virtual environment in social networks rather than real life. Because of social networking people have become more aware. This awareness has increased about almost everything in the world. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that social networking is a good way of keeping oneself updated with what is happening around the world (Borgatti, 1992).

The social networking websites compel people to socialize. In this attempt to socialize people come across people they don't even know. This has two major flaws. Firstly, befriending people over the ...
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