Learning disabilities refer to a group of disorders caused by brain dysfunction that may result from an injury, a genetic abnormality or inadequate brain development. These disorders are manifested by arrested development or deviant development of a competency related to either of the following areas: memory, attention, reasoning, coordination, communication, reading, writing and arithmetic. Given his neurological disorder, learning is persistent, or permanent, despite appropriate intervention. Contrary to what can sometimes be conveyed to them, people with learning disabilities do not suffer from a lack of intelligence, as pointed out by the Quebec Association of Learning Disabilities (LDAQ): "The learning disability is not synonymous with inability to learn intellectually. It reflects a difficulty in processing information. "Indeed, the learning disability interferes with the brain's ability to absorb, store or retrieve information. This cognitive impairment has an impact on how a person perceives, receives, understands and expresses information (Kozey, 2004). The learning disability is different from the learning disability, defined as a developmental delay or a barrier to learning transitional nature usually dissipates through appropriate intervention. Unlike the disorder, the difficulty is not caused by brain dysfunction, but rather by several internal and external to the individual such as socio-economic conditions difficult, cultural or linguistic differences, lack of motivation, or, a family or school unchallenging. The term refers rather to a neurological condition highlighted by some researchers several decades ago, and now much better understood thanks to a multitude of scientific research. Currently, colleges, students with learning disabilities are more easily identified, and diagnoses are becoming more complex. It is; therefore, imperative to become better informed about this phenomenon in order to better adjust to, hence this article.
Critical Review
1- Difference between Learning Disability & Mental Disorder
There is a huge difference between the learning disability and mental disorder. In learning disabilities, a person feels difficulty in grasping the knowledge and the concept. On the other hand, in mental disorder, the person does not understand anything, and he is not in his senses.
2- Autism Spectrum Disorder
Now is apparent that, in addition to "classical" forms of a type of autism Kanner, there are also "spectral disorder" (such as Asperger syndrome), which share many characteristics with the main syndrome without a full set of criteria. An entire group of autistic disorders and diseases like autism, sometimes referred to as "autism spectrum disorders," "autistic continuum" or "deep violation of" (PDD) (O'Brien, 2009). Autism spectrum disorder is a cluster of cases affect the growth is characterized as follows:
disorder of linguistic communication and social interaction
repetition of stereotyped behaviours
concern myself with the symptoms of compulsive
3- Early Intervention for Autism
Autism is known as; a developmental disorder affects the child in the third year of age and shows through the following symptoms:
1. The failure to develop the ability to talk and talk, or inability to use what he learned from the language, what is has already natural to communicate with ...