Categories Of Crime

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Categories of crime

Categories of crime


Crime is any act which is against the law of the state and country for which a conviction can be applied. Crimes can be intentional, unintentional, incomplete, supposedly intended or future proclaimed after the crime. There are different categories of crime which rank according to their seriousness. The penalties and punishments are according to the intensity of the crime. The crime is any act or willful omission punishable by law. This definition is contained in Article 1 of the Criminal Code. Simply, is the commission of an act that the law punishes with some penalty? What makes the offense characteristic is the existence of a legal rule must have been enacted prior to the fact that threatens to set a penalty that made?the event and prevent the conduct by the threat of punishment, not prohibition.



The term felony originated from English law which consisted of confiscation of convicted person's good and land. The person who commits a felony is called “felon”. The federal government of United States defined the punishment of felony by death sentence or imprisonment in excess of one year. Some offences like the illegal distribution and manufacturing of controlled substances may be termed as felony. Possession of a deadly weapon in a restricted area can also be considered as a serious crime. There are four categories of felonies defined by the common law “(1) first-degree principals, those who actually committed the crime in question; (2) second-degree principals, aiders and abettors present at the scene of the crime; (3) accessories before the fact, aiders and abettors who helped the principal before the basic criminal event took place; and (4) accessories after the fact, persons who helped the principal after the basic criminal event took place.” These crimes are considered as the most serious crimes and different states have different punishments according to its seriousness. The prisoners convicted of felonies serve their sentences in a federal or state prison. In some jurisdictions only a grand jury indictment can put felony charges. In some cases an accidental death can be considered as felony if it is in situations like robbery or kidnapping, but it is considered as manslaughter if it's a lesser crime like DUI. The definition of burglary is “breaking and entering a house for the purpose of committing a felony”. If it was not for the purpose of felony it cannot be termed as burglary.


A Misdemeanor is a crime of lesser seriousness as compared to felonies. The punishment for crimes of Misdemeanor is fines and sentences of one year or less, depending on the intensity of crime. If a jail sentence is given, than it's served in local, city or county jails. Usually a grand jury is not required to investigate and charge Misdemeanor. Unlike felonies, special courts handle Misdemeanor with abbreviated procedures. People convicted of misdemeanor to serve in licensed professions. If it's a three-strike law state than a misdemeanor after two felonies will be considered as a third strike, resulting in mandatory ...
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