Case: Time Diagnosis, Slp: Time Warp

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Case: Time Diagnosis, SLP: Time Warp

Case: Time Diagnosis, SLP: Time Warp


The paper aims to investigate a case that is related to the decision making, and strategy formulation. The case relates to how a company can change the decisions and make company profitable. Clipboard Tablet Company needs financial decisions that makes company profitable and by providing best recommendations. The objective of the company is to maximize the cumulative profit for all three products that are manufactured over five years. There are three products that are manufactured by the company X5, X6, and X7. The basic need of the assignment is to analyze the performance of these products in the market. There are complete market information, and financial analysis that will help the decision making (Stead, Stead, 1996).


The aim of this discussion is to evaluate the complete information of the products and their performances in the market.

Tablet X5

After the comprehensive analysis and it could be concluded that in three years time span the consumers are satisfied with the performance and they have no issue regarding the performance of the product, however, the price of the tablet is not appreciated by the customer.

Tablet X6

The product is in the market for two years and as the product has just initiated the performance is highly considerable for the customers. The price is satisfactory for the customers and they have the problem regarding performance (Barney, Hesterly, 2010).

Tablet X7

The X7 is new in the market and according to analysis the price and performance is highly considerable for the customers. This new product must be according to customer's price satisfaction and performance.

Sales/ Revenue

After analyzing the financial year 2011 the revenue of the X5, X6, X7, are $276159076, $207119307, $0 respectively. X7 is new in the market and it is highly considered for price and performance. However, X5 is highly profitable and is generating more revenue than other products of the company.


After analyzing the financial year 2011 the profit of X5, X6, X7, is $43911298, $32993474, 0 respectively. The most profitable tablet is X5 as it is oldest and high in performance.

After the comprehensive analysis the strategic decision is that, there are two products X5, and X6 that are generating profits and X7 is at launch, the profitability ratio is 16%. Due to the total R&D cost X5 and X6 are able to compete in the market. The aim of the company is to ...
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