Case Study - Workflow Management

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Case Study - Workflow Management

Case Study - Workflow Management


Work is a concept inextricably linked to human activity. It is accompanied by the dawn of manufacturing activities and in all areas of its activity is a source of satisfying human needs. However, it involves physical effort and mental commitment. It also calls for tangible measures to get managed. Man has always sought to minimize expenditures for labor. Hence, the first created conditions suitable for it, sought to improve the technical side of work. Later with the development of mechanization and automation, together with a progressive division of labor and making it more complex process, there was a need to organize, plan, motivate and control the work, or its management (Thomas, 2005).

Work Management is a managerial activity relative to work processes. It is on one hand to create the conditions for the tasks (behaviors) of the level in time (production targets), to create the right proportions in the labor process, select, deploy and integrate its people, so their action plan to implement this process was possible with the least expenditure of material and direct labor (economic goals). On the other hand, satisfy the expectations of employees (social goals). The analysis of the workload has assumed a key role in the new organizational structure. The optimal allocation of staff resources is in fact a necessary condition for achieving the desired improvements in efficiency. The importance of the analysis therefore goes beyond its role as a preliminary condition in order to proceed with new hires (Hancock & Desmond, 2001).

For the purpose of proper interpretation of the functions of the analysis of workload, it is good to point out those areas where the work is getting mismanaged. The analysis of workload in the first place is in fact an important tool for organizational management, particularly useful in business know-how. The independent organization, although still limited in some ways, both granted and imposed on the management of companies, forcing a rethinking of the characteristic functions of the workload analysis. It also emphasizes the instrument to the pursuit of a rational management simultaneously composed of economic efficiency, quality and effectiveness. This paper is dedicated to a case study related to workload management, focusing on the analysis of load relief (Hancock, 1988).

Discussion of the case

This problem addressed in this case study is of work management. In order to manage the work load the personnel managing work should define tasks and functions of people working in the system, the requirements placed on them. He or she should emphasize the special role of managers in achieving success at work. He or she should indicate the forms and varieties of work organization, discuss their characteristics. Formulate the basic principles of organization of individual and team, and explains their meaning and importance for the efficiency of work.

It presents the issue of job standardization and treating them as a basis for accurate solutions for the organization and management of work. He must also describe the importance of form and ...
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