Case Study: Student With Special Needs

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Case Study: Student with Special Needs

Case Study: Student with Special Needs

Description of the Case Study

Learning disability affects the child's daily functioning, prevents educational development, and substantially interferes with his ability to learn. The current view on the disability tends to lean toward an approach that recognizes it as part of the human psychological development. Specific Learning Disability (SLD) is a group of disorders significantly in the areas of reading, writing and mathematical abilities. The main cause of this disorder is not clear but it is related to nervous system or brain dysfunction. There are various types of SLDs and they may affect an individual all through his life or in some cases can be treated. Having SLD doesn't affect any physical features of an individual which can discriminate them from the others. Almost 80% of the SLD are in the reading area (Fletcher, 2007).

Adam, nine year old, is a grade 3 student who is facing reading disability. He is bright and intelligent student but he has difficulties in understanding the written words and lacks the ability to fluently read the text. He is usually hesitant in reading the words and often mispronounces the words. He frequently halts at most of the words and takes time in comprehending the text. Adam is a determined child and tries hard to read yet lately he seems to feel embarrassed in even trying due to the fact that his friends and classmates have moved on to more difficult words. He is shy in reading aloud and tries to hide away from the teacher during the reading lessons.

He is an obedient child and is active in sports. He enthusiastically takes part in sports competitions and has even won in a race. Adam loves horses as well; he takes horse riding lessons after school. He is very happy and is often seen in high spirits during any outdoor activity. He is energetic and friendly most of the time. However, during the reading lessons he is often frustrated and confused. He usually disturbs the class and tries hard to skip his turn of reading. He is popular among his peers due to his athletic capabilities and friendly nature which is the reason why he is not often teased about his disability. But he has gradually come to terms with the fact that he has been falling behind his class.

He is smart and motivated enough to learn to read but he has now realized that he is falling behind in the class which results in him misbehaving and disturbing the class. Adam has also developed attention deficiency after he has realized that he is falling behind his class mates. He doesn't show interest in the other lessons as well except for math session. It seems that he doesn't face difficulties in comprehending the numbers and the math calculations. He easily solves the math problems with no or little help from the teacher. He is an above average student in math ...
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