Case Study- Psychosocial

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Case Study- Psychosocial

Case Study- Psychosocial


Every person has varied psychological, social and cultural needs, which depends mainly on the living condition of that person. In this study, the psychosocial needs of Betty will be analysed, in order to make suggestion how her psychosocial needs can be met through health and social care practices. Betty is a 76 years old mother. She lives alone in her detached house since her husband died five years ago. Betty was an active member of the women's institute and enjoyed playing bridge with a group of friends until recently. Betty had fallen at home and was taken to hospital after her milkman heard her cries for help and called an ambulance.

Betty sustained extensive bruising to her left hip, leg and shoulder, she had x-rays taken and a comprehensive examination, but as no bony injury was found she was discharged home. Since the fall, she has been reluctant to leave the house and usually sleeps in the armchair, as she is afraid that she might fall the stairs if she goes up to her bedroom. She does not like to bother her family, so she tries to be cheerful when they visit. William (her son) calls in once a week to bring her shopping but does not stay for long as he finds her increasingly repetitive conversation irritating. He cannot understand why she can remember things from his childhood in exceptional detail, yet she cannot recall what she has just said.


Looking at the scenario one can see that Betty is suffering from mental health issues and problems like intervention for this purpose proper preventive care should be taken and a proper psycho assessment is needed in terms of social and healthcare practice (Berry2000, 197). This kind of behaviour from which Betty is suffering is known as intervention. Intervention - a general term for any effects of having to change the current behavior of another person, or selected by a course of conduct. In carrying out behavior change interventions are making, either directly affecting it, or manipulating environmental variables, or performing a combination of both. In a typical context, the term used to refer to the erosion of the symptom, concern (anxiety), or behavioral problems that adversely affect the growth, functioning and well-being of people (Adams2003, 54). In addition, the intervention can be applied in order to prevent behavioral dysfunction or human development. Marital counseling and advice on career development - all these are examples of applications (Ochs2008, 15). This can be described in the space of two dimensions. The first dimension - it is the context in a rum-it is done. The context is formed by the parties involved in the process of intervention and performed their roles. The second dimension - is the process itself, the actual actions performed by the participants (Ai2009, 35).


Intervention can be considered only those cases where the presence of symptoms, anxiety or behavior problems declares him attendees. The client is served by a party to the other side of ...
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