Case Study- Principles Of Recovery

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Case Study- Principles of Recovery

Case Study- Principles of Recovery


Drug addiction is a disease that involves the dependence of substances affecting the central nervous system and brain function, causing changes in behavior, perception, judgment and emotions. The effects of drugs are different, depending on the type of drug and the amount or frequency with which it is consumed. They can produce hallucinations, intensify or dull the senses, cause feelings of euphoria or despair. Some drugs can even lead to madness or death. The following essay is the case study of a Caucasian man who has been addicted to drugs. The essay will include the diagnosis of the case study, the recovery and the analysis of the family behavior towards Mr. Tony.


The addiction of the unlawful drugs ruins the nervous system of a man and affects his mood badly. The matter gets adverse when the family refuses to care for the victim and gets back from his moral support and the belonging. The following essay is a similar case. It is the essay that will base the assessments on the case study of Mr. Tony who has been left by his family and involved in drugs.

Drug Addiction and Mr. Tony

Drug addiction is a disease of society, not just its individual members, family and general disease - disease relationship. Not for nothing drug, the reasons for its use, even without being in "breaking" is called, above all, loneliness, insecurity and fear. Same happens with Mr. tony. No matter how many years it was being the drug addict, he has come to be treated; his psychological age is the age of onset of drug use. There is a process of personal identification and the question "Who am I?" sounds harder question, "What am I? It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sensitivity and support from adults in that period, especially the family, friends and the close relatives of Mr. Tony. We can assume that the Mr. Tony has not coped with internal and external changes in his life, did not find for himself "ecological niche" it needs help and support, and was forced to look for any way to cope with his own confusion and pain. By the way, which is why he needs as much support from the group and loved ones, he needs to "get" the love and care, to decide once again to make contact with the world and seek out assistance, despite past disappointments and resentments. (Joyce .1984)

A Drug Addict - A Lost Identity

Considering the case study of Mr. Tony, who is the addict of the illicit drugs and has been hospitalized, has been the victim of the lost identity. Tony has been assessed for the somatic presentations that have been found in him. He has been the addict the way he wants to be seen, the way he wanted to be, the drug becomes universal protection from reality, a way to accept and love him, to assert his powers and authority in the world.  (McCrady, ...
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