Case Study On School Safety

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Case Study on School Safety

Case Study on School Safety


The problem we face today with violence in schools is a major challenge to communities throughout the world. Juvenile murder twice? as it is today as it was in the mid 1980's. But that does not mind that children are born with that has changed in the half-generation that changed? although it is easy access to guns and the glorification of the place in real life and entertainment. Crime and around schools threatens the well-being of students and staff and surrounding communities. It also has an impact on student learning and achievement. In the next article? we analyze the causes? consequences and prevention of the following case studies.

Discussion: Case

In the suburban school shootings of the epidemic was going on well-publicized incident at a secondary school in Sayville? New York. An eleventh grader in a suburban school? John went to the trend by bringing a handgun to school to withdraw classmate. Weapons were found in his backpack. The principal of his school? Bernard said that John was a good student.

According to the student? Arnold called the real reason John gave hand gun to school because he was threatened. According to fellow student? John was very clever. There have been threats of physical violence against John for several people the night before he had a pistol and said that basically the next day he was going to get hit by them. And they threatened him with a knife the night before.

Discussion and Analysis

The key to this story is that John is not just some ignorant members of street gangs in the ghetto school. He was a gifted student who received high marks. The student? as this? which was unheard of in violation of school rules. It is this aspect that made the public's imagination? a bit shy? intellectual? which was threatened by a gang of criminals who came to the idea mows them with overwhelming firepower. There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

Adults and students struggle to understand why these events occur? and? more importantly? how they can be prevented. School superintendents can play a leading role in encouraging students? staff and parents that schools are generally very safe places for children and young people? and affirming that the security measures and student support is already in place at their school. (Brown 2002) John's action could ...
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