Case Study On Governance And Talent Management in A Professional Services Firm

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Case Study on Governance and Talent Management

In a Professional Services Firm

Case Study on Governance and Talent Management

In a Professional Services Firm


This paper discusses the case study about the founding of the Academy for Professional Development (APD) in 1993. It explores the term professional studies and development that when and how it occurred. Further, it examines the broad spectrum of education. This paper provides an in depth analysis of basic concepts regarding professional education with the assistance of this case study.

Section One

The case study discussed the founding of the Academy for Professional Development (APD) in 1993, just after the time when Soviet Union had broken apart. The term professional studies evolved during the past half century from its forerunner known as professional development, a term that emerged in the 1930s to designate a field that evolved at the beginning of the 20th century to facilitate professional for schools in the expanding project of universal schooling. Professional studies is a term that designates a shift of theory and practice as scholars sought understanding of curricula as phenomena of interest and societal import in contrast with sole concentration on service to leaders of practice in schools (Borko, 2004). Widely recognized professionalists determined that their work should not primarily provide a basis for professional development in schools. They realized that if they simply served the will of schools, they were inadvertently supporting the will of those who made policy for schools. Such policy was thought to misrepresent public interests because it was conjured to fulfill the interests of the most wealthy and powerful members of society.

Academic integrity is the ethical system or principled plan of academic world. Academic integrity prohibits cheating or using a plagiarized data. It involves protection of academic values. Students are not allowed to be irresponsible (Desimone, 2002). They should not use someone else's material. The development of educational discipline and satisfactory principles of academic truthfulness and sincerity are significant aspects of the knowledge process. Individual students have got to presume accountability for the estimation of regulation and academic integrity suitable to their function as students in a health care profession. The principal is to be honest, maintain the trust, keep the fairness, give respect to the academic integrity and be responsible.

This argument brought a wide range of scholarly sources to the forefront, such as diverse philosophies, literary and artistic works, and a range of social, political, and economic perspectives. Interests of equity and social justice, as well as self-realization and identity, have emerged as major topics of emphasis. The cause of societal maintenance that schools had long served was deemed limited if not puerile as a reason for scholarship (Supovitz, 2000). Thus, the guiding questions of professional studies are pursued relative to whatever configurations of human association or community lend themselves to such pursuits and are not relegated to school alone.

In every organization and during work problem arises which can be as a result of the strategies made which won't be clear or the goals ...