Case Study On Apple Inc

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Case Study on Apple Inc

Case Study on Apple Inc

Part One

Good Numbers at Mac Sales

Apple is growing not only in the markets of mobile phones and tablet computers. Also on the PC sector, the Group is able to report steady growth of Cupertino for 20 years. So in this second quarter of fiscal year 2011: 3.67 million total computer Apple could sell - and has thus significantly improved in this area over the previous year. However, this enhancement is "only" on the sales of MacBooks (mainly MacBokk Pro and MacBook Air). The volume of the solid models, such as iMac and MacPro Mac mini however declined (

iPhone and iPad are Booming, iPod Slightly

The iPhone is once again the strongest driving force of Apple. A sales increase of as much as 113.14 percent over the second quarter of 201 in the smartphone sector was announced by Apple. This means that 18.65 million iPhones went through the counters - significantly more than expected by analysts. Regarding the iPad, analysts were too optimistic for once. While this fact emanated from sales from 6 to 6.29 million copies, it sold out in truth "only" 4.65 million times compared to the previous year figures are not yet available here, however, since the first-generation iPad at 03 April 2010 was first delivered. A steady increase in sales can also be safely assumed as safe here as well. The iPod, however, does not sell as good as before (

Question mark: iPad

Stars: Mac Book

Cash Cow: iPhone

Poor Dog: iPod

Part Two

SWOT Matrix


· One of the oldest manufacturers of hardware.

· Brand positioned in the market as the most "cool"

· Control over the product or.

· High quality product

· Products easy to use for users and their faithfulness.

· Easy to carry.

· Excellent graphical user interfaces (


· The majority of consumers around the world use PC with Intel-made board

· Huge acceptance of the App Store (one billion downloads to the current month) developed by various groups of programmers in the world.

· Brand is becoming known worldwide thanks to the iPhone (

· Investors interested in investing in Apple for the great results in times of crisis.

· To further exploit the intellectual capital and brand image along with new digital business strategies to create new sources of sustainable competitive advantage Apple Inc

· Discovery of resources untapped customer base loyal and dedicated higher profit margins


· Not license to manufacture clones, and therefore no compatibility with other ...
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