Case Study: Measuring An Applicant's Characteristics

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Case Study: Measuring an Applicant's Characteristics


Case Study: Measuring an Applicant's Characteristics


Iron town Inc since its incorporation is working independently in providing quality customer services to all its loyal customers. The company initially contains around 40 employees and has able to expand its pool of quality human resource to around 80 which is very low as compare to its competitors and thus makes it difficult for the organization to carry off its daily obligation in affective manner. According to the prevailing circumstances company immediately require around 50 additional employees to manage the workload that has subsequently affected by the lack of human resource and has resulted in reducing the trust level of customers, and reduction in profitability of the company (Bruff, 2007). Meanwhile, hiring new employee is not an easy task as in order to hire quality human resource management must first understand the exact needs and requirements of the company as it would enable them to select right men for the right job.

The management primary focus is to hire new and quality human resource at the initial level i.e. (Customer service representative level) as in this level after completion of the training employees major responsibility is to ensure proper communication with customer, providing customer with appropriate advices, managing operational activities, and several others. Management is well aware of the importance of CSRL 1 level and thus is looking to hire candidates that has the following main credentials that are listed below

Candidate must be fluent in speaking English

Must be punctual

Must be available in working in shift timing

Must be competent enough of calmly handling the claims of customers

Must have excellent computer skills

According to the current hiring process, the human resource management is observed of formulating a large pool of candidates by gathering crucial information through an online application form, which is filled by the potential candidate (Fernandez & Mors, 2008). After the formulation of pool the HR department then randomly select those employees that are willing to work in any shift and then these employees are enrolled in two-weeks training program and after successful completion of training employees are hired at the grade of CSR 1.

Strength and weakness of hiring program

In prevailing situation when company is desperately, looking to hire new employees to improve the drowning condition of its business the current hiring process can be viewed as obsolete and ineffective as it does not include any potential resources through which company can evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of information provided by the potential candidate (Heneman et al, 2012). In addition to this the other weakness and strengths of prevailing hiring policy are listed below

Strength of current process

Firstly, the current hiring process is very smooth and thus it allows the human resource department to identify users who are willing to work at any time of the day

Secondly, the current hiring process is not expensive at all which does not provide addition burden on organizational expenses

Thirdly, the current hiring process is less time consuming which means that professionals have enough time ...
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