Case Study Law

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Case Study Law

Case Study-Law

Case Study-Law

Part A:

Anna is 18 years-old and lives with her father, Yusof, who is very strict. Yusof does not know about her boyfriend Ben, as he won't allow her to have boyfriends. One day, Yusof comes home early and finds Anna and Ben kissing. He chases the couple out of the house. Anna and Ben run into the local Underground station but Yusof follows them there. They have a fierce argument on the platform. Yusof punched Ben, who falls to the ground on the platform edge. Yusof begins to kick Ben. Anna runs at her father and tries to stop him. Yusof punches Anna. Tragically, the force of the punch means that Anna falls from the platform onto the path of an on-coming train and is killed. Yusof is devastated by the death of his daughter, and describes it as a tragic accident. The police, however, have arrested him.

At first step, CPS will gather as much information as possible regarding the whole case. The next step involves determining if the reported allegations meet the legal definitions for child abuse and/or neglect as specified by state law. Once CPS determines that the reported case meets these statutory requirements, then a case is opened. At this point, CPS will assess and investigate the case and CPS workers asking a lot of questions from Yusof and describes it's a tragic accident. The investigative process involves substantiating whether or not the allegations are true by talking with the Yusof, and those who are associated with the Anna. In most states, this includes a home visit to assess the child's living situation. During the home visit, CPS will look at the conditions of the home to see if the child has adequate food, clothing, and shelter. The CPS worker will also observe interactions between the Yusof and the alleged Anna victim and others within the home. After the investigation is completed, CPS must determine whether the alleged abuse is substantiated (true) or unsubstantiated (not true). If the allegations are unsubstantiated, the case is closed. Once a case is substantiated, a report is made to Juvenile Court indicating recommended actions on behalf of the Anna. The Juvenile Court will make findings of jurisdiction (who has authority over the Anna) and disposition (the decision of the court) about this tragic accident. CPS will work with the Yusof to determine appropriate referrals and programs to prevent future acts of child maltreatment. Throughout the entire process, the overarching goals of CPS are to protect and ensure the safety and well-being of the Yusof and improve family functioning in a nonpunitive and rehabilitative manner.

Part B: Kennedy (No 2) [2007] UKHL 38

Brief summary of the facts of the case

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