Case Study - Iso Implementation

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Case study - ISO Implementation


The study provides a contribution to the research and studies library in the areas of quality management systems with particular interest in the United Arab Emirates.

This research is part of group - course assignment “Quality Implementation” (TBS952) from University of Wollongong under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Slim Saidi. The reason of choosing National Transport Authority (NTA) was having a practical experience because of his participation in the ISO 9001:2008 certification processes as a Director of Strategic Planning. Since the Quality Section is under the Director of SPD in NTA, he had a both eagle and helicopter view on the evolved and confronted challenges throughout the planning and implementation of ISO. The experience was devotedly shared with the group resulting in a reflective diagnoses, analysis and conclusion.

This study investigates the ISO 9001; 2008 implementation and the outcomes in NTA, The report will cover a brief introduction about NTA, followed by a brief of ISO planning and implementation stages. The challenges faced in all stages will be discussed in depth and the overall evaluation of NTA ISO experience will be explained from both a change program prospective as well as QI project prospective. Finally, the report concludes brief implications and recommendations of the study case.

ISO Implementation

Background of National Transport Authority ( NTA )

Legal Form & Mandate

The National Transport Authority is an entity under the UAE federal government, was established in accordance with The Federal Law in 2006 as a public entity and the mandate of NTA is:

To propose the general policies, bill laws and regulations on marine services, land transport in coordination with the competent authorities and to supervise implementation of the same. Also NTA ensures compliance of the overseas navigation regulations with the international standards applicable by the States in general and takes the necessary procedures to apply the same.

To propose maps of the roads connecting the Emirates with other adjacent States including the land access points in coordination with the competent federal and local authorities.

To put in use the various land transport lines between the State and the neighboring countries.

Organizational Structure

Minister of Public Work was chairing NTA Board of Directors, the Director General (DG), who was reporting to the chairman, got three sectors reporting to him; Land Transport, Marine Transport and Support Service Sector. Moreover, there are other two Departments were reporting to the DG, which were the Strategic Planning & Performance Department and the Governmental Communication Department. Though, total of twelve Departments were reporting to the three main sectors.

NTA Quality management journey - ISO 9001; 2008

Why Become ISO 9001 Certified?

NTA started thoughts about the ISO by the end of 2009 due to a regulatory requirement by the International Marine Organization (IMO), which was the initiation of the project and accordingly it was included in NTA Strategic Plan for 2010.

In 2010, new team took over the management of the Strategic Planning & Performance Department (SPD) in ...
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