Case Study B On Education

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Case Study B on Education

Case Study B on Education

Safe School Design

The security aspect in Schools assumes a high significance considering the environment in which we live in. There have been many instances where shooting crimes as well as other crimes took place in the case of Schools. The principals ignore the security aspect in the planning process and thus have to face the consequences. Principals or the higher ups need to attach significant importance to the security aspect in the policy making (Lackney, 2000).

In order to prevent crimes, Safe school design is the most effective design which should be implemented. It is a part of the whole system which also comprises of administrative policies, student, staff, Community training programs. Safe School Design strives to convey the implications of the environment as a whole.

Implementation of Security programs are a key focus of the Safe School Design. Opportunities for crimes arise out of behavioral issues which need to be addressed on an immediate basis. Studying the implications of Environment would help us in not only reducing crimes but also there would be a proper flow of learning for students.

Classroom Management Strategies

There are a number of Classroom Management Strategies which help the instructor in the smooth functioning of Classroom. For the ease of understanding we will be discussing three strategies which are essential in felicitating the instructor to conduct a formal class:

Focus on Empathy

The most important ingredient in a positive relationship is to have an empathetic approach in dealing with the aggressive child. Since a teacher is trying to help the student, he/she should present an empathetic attitude towards the student. When teachers would be having an empathic attitude, students would be having a feeling that they are being listened to and they are getting understood. Empathetic nature helps exclusively in the dealing with Difficult students.

There is a need to differentiate between caring nature and empathetic nature. The concept of empathy states that one is in the position of the student and tries to see the situation from the student's perspective. The purpose of empathy is to make the student feel that he is being heard and understood.

The caring aspect does not cater to such understanding. The rewards of Empathy are far reaching and go a long way in enhancing this positive helping relationship between Instructor and the students. Empathy is a vital factor in dealing with difficult children (O Ferrall et al, 2010). Negative Attitudes and Behaviors

There has been ignorance on the behavior analysis of Individuals. It has been observed that teachers witnessing negative attitudes take stringent steps and report it to the authorities. Instead they should be studying the individual behaviors and taking steps in modifying it. Majority of the negative attitudes arise out of individual behaviors.

Getting to the root cause of these negative attitudes would go a long way in transforming these negative attitudes into positive attitudes. This strategy lays emphasis on treating the negative attitude as a distinct skill which the ...
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