Case Study Analysis

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Case Study Analysis


Task 11

Types of Information for Marketing1

1.Information needed for Marketing Plan1

2.Information needed for Marketing Operation2

3.Information needed for Marketing Control3

Critical Assessment of Information for Marketing Purposes3

Assistance in Market Decision Making4

Task 35

Consumer behavior5

Stages in Consumer Buying Process6

1.Problem Recognition6

2.Information Search6

3.Evaluation of Alternatives6

4.Purchase Decision7


6.Post Purchase Evaluation7

Types of Consumer Behavior7

Routine Response8

Limited Decision Making8

Extensive Decision Making8

Impulse Buying8

Categories Affecting the Consumer Buying Decision Process9




Issues in Consumer Behavior10

Customer Oriented Sales11


Case Study Analysis


In this assignment of case study analysis, task one and three has been answered separately. The task one has is based on the type of information that the company needs for the marketing purpose and from where it will be gathered and how it will assist the marketing decision making in the company while task three is about understanding the consumer for developing the customer oriented sales strategy.

Task 1

Types of Information for Marketing

In order to properly develop marketing strategies, it is very important to gather the information that is linked to marketing. This helps the companies to market the products in a better manner. The various types of information required for marketing are (Rao 2008, p. 01):

Information needed for Marketing Plan

The organization should first specify the goals that it wants to accomplish through business in terms of the particular outcomes that one wants to achieve with the marketing efforts. This will help the organization to further pursue the goals. Secondly, information regarding target market should be explained to help the company in achieving the marketing objectives. The SWOT analysis according to the marketing perspective should be done in which the strengths refers to the competitive points that help I accomplishing the goals, the weaknesses refer to the areas in which improvements can be made. The opportunities are the areas that the company can use to convert into strength and the threats are the external environment that can affect the business. The information regarding the competition in the market place is also very important. The organization should try to properly review its competitors in areas of products and services, historical information, strengths and weaknesses, sales figures and market share. On the basis of this information, it should identify the things that it does for satisfying the customers in a better manner as compared to the competitors. The organization should also have information about various marketing tactics and strategies that it needs to implement. The tactics are the short term actions while the strategies are the long term actions for aligning with the marketing goals (Christ n.d., p. 01).

Information needed for Marketing Operation

In order to have effective marketing operations management, a marketing culture should be developed for creating a marketing culture that will align both the campaign and operational level. In order to do so, the organization should clearly communicate the marketing objectives because the marketing teams usually use the same marketing campaigns year after year because of the historical returns. However, the return in future normally changes due to the changes in the market trends and the competitive ...
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