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Case Study: The Care of Mr. A Suffering from Dementia in Old Age

Case Study: The Care of Mr. A Suffering from Dementia in Old Age


The report focuses on the analysis of the given case scenario of Mr. A. he is currently living in residential Home, in rural Hampshire. He faced an accident and admitted to hospital where he diagnosed as the collapsed on the pavement outside his home. The decline of dementia built around the continuing inability to bring the existence of references to time, body, and space. The home relates to all three of these structural elements of thought of the Mr. A. The objective of this report is the analysis of the relationships that exist; change, may still exist between the patient sufferings from dementia and home.

The Home of the Longest Point of Care Dementia Sufferers

Most days of illness of nearly all people with dementia spent at home or in rare cases where the onset of symptoms comes early. To abort the final course of working life dramatically, both in most frequent cases in which the onset is senile and accompanied by functional changes in the running of the burden. To the evolution of other chronic diseases, the relocation of existing social networks that characterize the old.

Consequently, it becomes important and major questions about the need to consider when managing the patient with dementia may be of importance, from the medical side, directing the action, taking into account the significance, limitations, contributions, therapeutic modification of the home (Pernigotti 2007, p. 22). In-home understanding of binomials-old dementia patient and it are important to reflect on some clinical and epidemiological aspects the longest of the most insane spent at home. This is true in general, but in view of the grand old men there may be an exotic disease course. For many of them do not live dementia never home, it explodes with the loss of the home.

The Meaning of Home

The concept of home is a coordinate around which depict the events of the lived experience of Mr. A. The movements of Mr. A from the home, returning to home: the internalization of the concept of home means that it integrated as a fundamental value without which existence, without his or her imagination, the self disintegrates.

In a survey, conducted on the homes of Eastern Piedmont, a few years ago have identified many people unable to report their own name. There were some that home with dementia, but because they lack the ability to operate a home for poverty economic, emotional or physical strength sufficient to continue the autonomous government of a home environment. The loss of the home had functioned as a mechanism disintegrative, as the cause of an explosion of cognitive faculties, such as chaos, perhaps as a defence against the end of life. Each of us can play different interest in the home, for it combines differently with each of the other factors affecting the realization of Mr. A, but common, even in the elderly, the meaning, ...
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