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Systagenix Business Process Management

Executive Summary

The business processes that are being carried out at Systagenix have many weak links that need to be addressed in order to deal with the issues of business process management. The process of integration of data at Systagenix is being carried out through the use of SOA (systems oriented architecture). This system is very effective and can be useful if it is being used efficiently. But the process of managing all the data and information on the software is not being managed efficiently due to which the business process management at Systagenix is faced with certain issues. In order to improve this, the organization needs to hire more skilled professional. This will improve its efficiency in being able to manage the organization system. Moreover, certain other aspects as the shortages of medical instruments and inventory is also the result of inefficient use of the system oriented architecture for the purpose of integration of information related to the hospital's assets, inventory and patient history .

The framework that has been developed for the organization is also not being followed which again is a big drawback. In order to deal with this issue Systagenix needs to develop a new and improved framework and this should also be implemented. Improving business processes in the organization seeks to implement a methodology for strategic improvement of their key business processes, making them more effective, efficient and flexible, able to adapt to an environment of continual change. How? It can be done by making the deployment of processes consistent with the strategy defined, establishing metrics, defining controls, detecting weaknesses and implementing solutions that promote continuous improvement in achieving the objectives of the company. The improvement of processes, then optimizes the effectiveness and efficiency, improve on the controls, strengthening internal mechanisms to respond to contingencies and demands of new and future customers. Process improvement is a challenge for every company structure for traditional and conventional hierarchical systems.

To establish a clear methodology for understanding the sequence of activities or steps that must be applied for the continuous improvement of processes, first, the head of the area should know better. This information is based on the performance or nonperformance of the local objectives of the organization. Organizations in the first instance will benefit substantially if channeled the Quality System as a basic tool, which must be continuously improved. In other words, having a certified system must be more than just a "certificate" should be the starting point of a dynamic process, based on the following considerations:

Total quality management is a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of an organization in constant improvement. Total quality management is the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve the material and services provided to an organization, processes within the organization, and responding to consumer needs in the present and the future. Total quality management integrates fundamental management methods with the existing improvement efforts and technical resources in a revised approach, focused on ...
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