Case Study

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Case Study

Answer 1)

It is "a computer-based system that helps in the "decision making process" Because there are several approaches to decision making and because of the wide range of areas in which decisions taken. (Anderson, 2006).

We classify systems of decision support in three main areas:

1. Information systems and analysis of information (documentation systems, databases, data analysis, simulations, some expert systems, etc.).

2. Support systems in decision-making (expert systems, support software of choice, etc.).

3. Systems of communication and collaboration (cooperative work systems remotely, trading systems, etc.). (Anderson, 2006).

The Model Driven DSS is when decision-making uses statistical and financial modeling simulations to reach a solution or strategy. Note that these decisions based on the models, but need not be overwhelming data intensive. (Anderson, 2006).

There are four types of analytical models:

1) Model of accounting

It includes assessment of standards that estimate results of future on the basis on the definition of accounting. It received estimated monetary results as output.


Planning, Budgeting.


Staff analyst and managers.

2) Mode of Representation

It estimates the consequences of the action. It received estimated results as output.


Planning, Budgeting.


Staff analyst.

3) Model Optimization

It calculates the optimal solution to a combinatorial problem.


Planning resource allocation.


Staff analyst.

4) Model of suggestion

It performed calculations that generate a suggested decision. It inputs the structured description of the decision.




Non-managerial line personnel.


In my opinion, the best possible model for your company is model of suggestion, as it will help to keep an eye to the performance of every employee and it will help to keep in touch with them.

Answer 2)

I do not agree with this statement as Planning is the road map of future. Planning endeavor to achieve the goal, It's completed strategically with keeping the uncertainty of future in mind. It helps in reducing the risk of future.

Already, no one doubts that the current IT service companies is becoming an active participant in the business, acting as a supplier of certain services to business entities, and relations between them are formalized as relations of "service provider - customer service." Business Unit formulates its demands to the necessary range of services and their quality, the company's management determines the amount of funding to meet these requirements, and the IT department service support and develops the information infrastructure of the enterprise so that she was able to provide the requested service with the specified quality. (Steve, 2002)

Components of IT Management

• Business Strategy / IT: make proposals on the use of IT to support strategic business priorities of the company.

• Application Development and IT, including strategic analysis use new IT

• Organization and IT infrastructure, responsibility for HW, SW, BD, networks and other IT resources needed to acquire, operate, monitor and maintain. (Steve, 2002).

IT Management - Planning Process (Steve, 2002).

Development of strategies to support the business vision of the company.

Resource management, development of strategic plans to manage or ...
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