Case Study

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Case Study 1: The Lucians

Case Study 1: The Lucians


In this essay I will look at ASPIRE model as the process within social work. I will demonstrate my understanding of model and its stages and reflect on how values inform each stage of process. I will look at each stage individually whilst evaluating its effectiveness as the process. I will consider how different factors may alter effectiveness of model and look at extent to which model could either enable or hinder anti-oppressive practice. Social work, as the process, functions with aim in an assessment and reviewing team Mrs. Lucian to help resolve her situation. In case of Lucian impact of alcoholism in marriage is profound. This is one of factors about alcoholism that makes it so unique in comparison to other chronic diseases or illnesses. All chronic health conditions impact marriage and family relationships, but none in quite same destructive manner or same depth as alcoholism.

Research is showing the benefits of drug treatment of depression associated with alcoholism, secondary and primary. Given these advances, and advances in pharmacological treatment of alcoholism, it is inevitable that some patients will benefit from two methods of treatment: treatment of depression with an antidepressant and consumption management alcohol and desire with naltrexone or acamprosate. There is a complex and confusing interaction often between depressive disorders and alcohol dependence. Alcohol intoxication can cause significant depressive symptoms, but temporary, often even without a history of affective disorder

Social work as the process

Alcoholism also has negative effects on spouse of an alcoholic. The spouse may have feelings of hatred, self-pity, and avoidance of social contacts may suffer exhaustion and become physically or mentally ill. Very often spouse has to perform roles of both parents. Family responsibilities shift from two parents to one parent. As the result, non-alcoholic parent may be inconsistent, demanding, and often neglect children. Having financial difficulties is another issue that families of alcoholics have to deal with. The family may have to give up certain privileges because of large amount of money spent on alcohol and also possible joblessness. Alcoholism also is one of major reasons for divorce. It is clear that exploring correlates of husband-to-wife depression is important given psychological and physical impact of depression. The current review focused on life stressors as one such correlate because the great deal of research has shown that stress plays an important role in various health and mood outcomes. The empirical literature reviewed here indicates that life stressors are associated with husband-to-wife depression in batterer and non-batterer/ depression men in three ways. First, there is evidence that frequency and impact of life stressors are directly related to depression. Second, there is evidence that life stressors can be mediated by factors such as marital satisfaction and depression. Third, attitudes accepting of depression in family of origin, and alcohol dependence may be moderators of life stressors.

However, problems remain in study of life stressors and husband-to-wife violence. Although stress has interested researchers in husband-to-wife violence area for almost two ...
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