Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

Answer # 1

Bureaucratic management can be described as "a formal organizational system based on clearly defined hierarchical levels and functions to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness." Max Weber embellished the scientific management theory with his theory of bureaucratic management, which focuses primarily on dividing the organizations in the hierarchies, establishing strong lines of authority and control.Weber suggested organizations develop standard operating procedures full details of all the mundane tasks.

Max Weber was a historian who wrote about the rise of bureaucracy (or bureaucratic management) of the more traditional forms of organization (such as feudalism) and increasing pre-eminence in modern society. Scott defines bureaucracy as "the existence of a specialized staff." According to Weber, beaucracy is a particular type of administrative structure developed through rational-legal authority. Bureaucratic structures evolved from traditional structures with the following modifications:

1. jurisdictional areas are clearly specified, activities are distributed official (unlike traditional way in which the rights granted by the leader and change at any time.)

2. Organization follows the hierarchical principle - subject to follow orders or more, but they have the right to appeal (in contrast to more diffuse structure of traditional authority).

3. Intential rules, summary governing decisions and actions. The rules are stable, comprehensive, and can be learned. The decisions are recorded in permanent files (in the traditional ways few standards or written records).

4. Means of production or administration outside the office. Personal property removed from the property office.

5. Officials are selected on the basis of technical qualifications, appointed not elected, and compensated by wages.

6. Jobs by organizing a race. The officer is a full-time employee and hopes a lifetime career. After a trial period to obtain tenure of the position and are protected against arbitrary dismissal.

Max Weber said that bureaucracy resolves some of the shortcomings of the traditional system. Described above was the ideal type construct, a simplified model (not a preferred model) which focuses on the most important features.

Weber's view of bureaucracy (or bureaucratic management) was a system where leaders can exercise control over others - a system based on discipline.

Weber emphasized that the rational-legal form was the most stable of systems, both superiors and subordinates - which is more reliable and clear, however, allows more conditional independence and discretion. Ideal subordinates can challenge the decisions of their leaders to refer to the rules laid down - the charisma becomes less important. As a result, the bureaucratic systems can handle more complex operations than traditional systems. (All above Scott p. 41-42).

The bureaucracy is the division of labor applied to the administration. 'Office' is a French word for desktop, or by extension, an office, so that "bureaucracy" is the rule through a desk or office, ie, a form of organization based on the preparation and submission written documents. In contrast to the widespread view of bureaucracies, not 'rule' in its own right but are the means by which a monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, or any other form of authority, ...
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