Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


The main focus of all the humanistic theories and their perspectives on an individual's needs, perceptions and experiences. The view argues that the individuals are free to choose their own behavior instead of reacting to environmental reinforcers and stimuli. The main issues mainly covered in such theories are self-fulfillment, self esteem and needs (Dr. Heffner, 2002). The main aim of such theories is to facilitate and assist personal development. There are two major theorists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers and these theorists are very famous for their works.


The humanist theory follows the idea that the most important time for a person is his present and in most instances, he should not quest for the future (Heffner, 2002). This is in direct contrast to the behavioral aspects of personality in that a man who is hungry will always think of where to arrange food for the next meal. According to the humanist theory, the goal of life should be to grow constantly and be a learner for life. This is highly untrue as growth and learning not only depends on the opportunities that one has access to, but also on the temperament of the person which is a function of his unique biological factors.

Personality is the combination of thoughts, behavior and emotions and depends on how we perceive and give meaning to the environment around us. It is this thinking pattern that makes one person different from the other. Hence, each person is an individual and is unique in his own way. For most people, personality remains the same throughout their life. However, in certain instances, some major events of our life are strong enough to utterly change our personality.

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