Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


Sweden is a homeland of about 9.1 million persons on the Scandinavian Peninsula of Northern Europe. Geographically, it is somewhat bigger than California.  It is by any assess a first world homeland, with a work force employed mainly in commerce or the service locality, a GDP per capita of about $31,600 and an job loss rate of 5.6 percent(Anna 2005).


Purpose of the Study

For much of the 20th 100 years, Sweden had a single-payer scheme of wellbeing care in which the government paid nearly all wellbeing care costs.  Like other countries with a single-payer scheme, Sweden has had to deal with the difficulty of ever-growing wellbeing care costs initating damage on government budgets.  It has administered with this difficulty by rationing wellbeing care - instituting waiting registers for health appointments and surgery(Anders 2005).


Key Conclusions

Sweden stands not only as an alert about single-payer schemes, but furthermore as a demonstration of what occurs when market-based restructure of such schemes manage not proceed far enough.

In the 1990s, Sweden set about restructuring its wellbeing care scheme by inserting facets of privatization.  These restructures were restricted, although, and the vintage difficulties with waiting registers and increasing charges had re-emerged by the starting of this decade.


Implications For The Future Of Health Care

The know-how of Sweden illustrates that when a territory adopts market-oriented restructure for its wellbeing care scheme, the restructures will go incorrect if the market is not allowed to work.

For much of the last fifty years Sweden has had a very powerfully socialized wellbeing care system.  Almost all of the funding arrives from government income, and most facets of the wellbeing care scheme, for example clinics, prime care hubs and prescription pharmaceuticals, are controlled by the government.  Doctors could still have a personal perform, whereas by the 1960s about 80 per hundred of ...
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