The Case Study, relating to build a Bear Organization, gives us deep insights in the Stuffed Toy Industry. For a stuffed toy manufacturer, to be successful, in an environment surrounded with electronic gadgets, is a commendable feat.But, with the boom of technological gadgets, it had to come up with an innovative concept. The main core competency of Build a Bear is that it provides a personalized experience to its target market. An enduring quality of Build a Bear is that it involves the customer directly in the making of stuffed bears. Their Stuffed bears are customized, according to customer requirements. Normally, in toy shops, customers come and buy toys. They don't have a say in making of the toy. But in the case of Build a Bear, Customers have this unique feature at their disposal. They not only enjoy this experience but get educated, as well.
Q1) Marketing Concept
The success of Build a Bear highlights the application of Marketing Concept. The core function of Marketing Concept is that it analyzes the needs of the target market, and then acts in a befitting manner to satisfy its customers. In such a concept, the Organization strives to satisfy its target market better than its competitors. By successfully applying the marketing concept, there is an increase in customer value. Customer Loyalty increases. Organizational sales measured through Customer value and customer focus. It did a research on the needs of its customers, and came up with an innovative concept called Customization. When, customers participate in making of the stuffed bears, immediate customer feedback results. What most toy shops ignore, is the fact that customers would be more inclined to buy a product which gives them personalized entertainment, as well as learning.( (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 59)
Q2) Build a Bear versus Traditional Toy Shops
Traditional toy shops pride themselves on innovative toys, high sales, retail outlets. Emergence of Build a Bear is focused on Customization and Personalized Entertainment. When the target market would be directly involved in the manufacturing of stuffed bears, all their requirements would be inculcated in the final product. Although, it's just one category, but the degree of customer value and loyalty would translate into higher growth. Build a Bear is not selling stuffed toys. Instead, it's selling a customized experience to its target market. Pre teens need enjoyment as well as learning. Similarly, when customers, have to wait in long queues for a product they get agitated. In the case of Build a bear, customers don't hesitate to wait because they know that the final product gives them inner pleasure. The distinguishing factor of Build a Bear, is that it focuses on its target market needs. Whatever the customer needs, they are quick to act upon ...