Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study Assignment In HRM



Key Social Trends2

Female Employees4

Low Level of Education4

Impact of Social Trends5

Family consequences6

Mentally disturb6


Focus on Youth8

Shelves Arrangement9

Increase Payment Counter9

Future Challenges10

Social Trends10

Major Issues10

Unsatisfied Customer10

Labour Turnover11



Case Study Assignment In HRM


Question has been raised about the difficulties face by the Davidson for their recruiting full time workers for their minimal jobs. To this problem, Davison is not looking comfortable to tackle even after they adopted new strategies in order to motivation, retention and retaining their employees to work for full time work. They also offer very high and competitive salaries as well as other additional benefits that would also not make a difference. Aim of this report to target both internal and external factors of organizations, rather internal factors will bring the awareness to the external factors that might restrict to the desire quality and quality of the staff at their set wages. Similarly, this report will also overview of the impact of population and the social trends that will be also examined over recruiting full time employees for organization.

Key Social Trends

First of all, structure of family have augmented and changed in the last couple of decades. In this way, it will affect the structure if household and the balance of working life. Potential target market in case of employees are those mothers who posses children's that mean they overall target women's for their workforce. it is also analyze that in last couple of decades there has been lowering rate of marriages while on other side divorce rate has been significantly increased that reflect lone parents and the multiple families (Beaumont, 2011). There is also a problems occurs in shape of poverty in majority of these households. According to Office of National Statistics, in 1970, rate of divorce was around 8% however this rate has been increased up to 38% till year 2011. Statistic also examined alone parents have the lower rate of employment as it compare with couple parents with having dependent children. There has been great number of the alone parents that are not able to keep up their jobs and just based o on part time jobs in order to devote half of their time to care of their dependent children. For example, in year 2008, there were only 950 lone mother were employed.

Retrieved from: European Commission. (2005)

The more amazing presentation of women to the danger of neediness and rejection somewhat comes about because of the mix of three gender crevices. Women' action rate is still 12.7 lower than man rate, reflecting determined gender divisions in family and forethought obligations (European Commission. 2005). Extent of women works low maintenance, which implies that on normal women work 17.0 % At last, the gender pay gap of 17 % (in normal hourly terrible pay) is halfway because of women winning lower pay for work of equivalent worth, and part of the way because of women being amassed in employments that pay less. Therefore, women' twelve-month terrible labour market profit might be assessed to be 42 % ...
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