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Emergency Department-Case Study

Case Study

Patient Ryan lies under the category of category 3 (Potentially life-threatening or important time-critical treatment or severe pain), because he was feeling pain in chest plus his heart rate and other vitals were also disturbed. According to the case study Ryan was brought to an emergency department and he has complaint about the chest pain that has to be treated in an emergency treatment by the health care providers such as nurses. The initial management and evaluation of critically injured individuals is really a difficult task and needs an immediate systematic approach. This needs presence and alertness of mind, because the condition of the patients entering the emergency department is not usually well, they required immediate treatment to save the life. This is the most critical moment at which the clinical skills and strong assessment power of the practitioner is required. Delay in assessment and then suggesting the plan of therapy can lead to the life threatening situation. So in emergency department active and expert staff is always required. Motor vehicle Accidents are very common cases brought to the Emergency department, and their initial assessment and management is required immediately in order to avoid the loss of life. This whole process is carried out in an organized and systematic way for avoiding panic situation. This systematic approach can be experimentized in order to increase the accuracy as well as the speed but apart from these excellent clinical judgment is also needed. The basic purpose of good traumatic care is the prevention of early trauma deaths. Early trauma mortalities have been observed to occur due to the inadequate or oxygenation insufficiency to the vital organs or injury of CNS or both.

Aims of Initial Assessment of Trauma Patient

Try all possible means to stabilize the patient. Then identify that whether the patient is suffering from serious condition in the order of risk, according to that supportive treatment should be started. Organization of best treatments or organization of shift for best treatment.

Co-ordination and Preparation of care

The evaluation as well as management is initiated at the injury scene and effective communication is required with the receiving hospital is essential. First of all the communication and coordination should be started with the receiving hospital, in order to alert and mobilize the trauma team (Department of Health, 2005). Airway should be maintained as well as controlling of external building shock should be done. Along with that keep the patient immobilized. The information regarding injury time; related events and history of patient. Key elements are the injury mechanism for informing and alerting the team to the type as well as the extent of injury. Resuscitation area of the hospital should be prepared. Airway equipments like laryngoscopes, and etc should be checked for availability. Intravenous fluids should be managed before. Immediate availability of monitoring equipment should be ensured. Immediate radiology and laboratory backup should be arranged.

Triage and organization of care

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