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Case Study Deteriorating Patient

Case Study Deteriorating Patient


Being as an undergraduate nurse in the hospital in support anaesthetic care unit, my essential job is to look after patients when they came out from the operation theatre. Though, I fulfilled my duty with full honesty, but unfortunately I made a mistake due to which the patient condition was deteriorated. The 50 year female patient was stable and supine position after post anaesthetic care unit. She had Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy problem, I gave her pain relief which has no side effects, but the patient condition had worsened, and she needed immediate surgery. The ANMC standards about patient care after post anaesthetic condition has discussed in the below part.

Key ANMC Competency Standard

The ANMC national competency standards that require providing the precise care to the patient will be discuss at below. The national standards have used extensively throughout Australia as a source of consultation (Simmons, 2012).

ANMC Competency Standard & Goals

The central purpose of this study is to evaluate the competency standards of ANMC that suitably accurate for this situation. These competency measures further help me for taking the right decisions.



As discussed above, the fundamental aspect of care that has proper in this situation and taken from the given standard of ANMC is 1.2. This standard describes that how I can am able to give my quantifiable performances by enhancing the self satisfaction to their patients. In that situation, I was quick haphazard about to tackle the situation. Though, the patient was in bad pain, and she needs immediate therapy which can reduce or manage her pain. The Laparoscopic treatment was not sufficient for her because her age level did not tolerate the pain. On that situation, I had baffle and did my best efforts to control her pain. After the post anaesthetic situation, I gave her pain relief to manage pain. From the given standard that has mentioned in 1.2 clause, in operation theatre or ICU, the nurses has to be more patient and have an ability to tackle any type of situation with confident. I lost my senses and gave her best medicine, but unfortunately the reaction was against (Homer,, 2012).


The given standard of ANMC is best competency scale which can effectual for controlling my haphazard circumstances. Though the standard has described the effective results after implementing at my techniques, and must be ensured with the patient safety. The competency statement had described that how I can able to follow all the rules when I had been with patients at post anaesthetic care unit. Most after surgery, the patient felt extreme pain which was unable to survive with high pain. The nurses have the principal responsibility to give them light medicine which can manage their pain, but the medicine does not have any side effects. It must be mandatory that they have adequacy to face and handle any situation rather than to be baffle or perplex in care unit in front of ...
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