Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study 5

Ans1- The question requires a need to draw a regular Frank Starling relationship for the Left Ventricle. In the second case, there is a need to superimpose a second curve for showing the Frank Starling relationship after the Myocardial Infarction. This is a typical Frank Starling relationship which states

Figure 1: Normal Frank Starling Diagram

When the Marvin Zimmerman suffered from Myocardial Infarction, the damage occurred to the Left Ventricle. The reason was that its role as a pump was compromised. The damage to the LV produced by the MI compromised its role as a pump; the LV can no longer generate enough pressure to eject blood normally. As a result, the change in the diagram would take place. In this diagram, it can be seen that there is a standard curve reflecting the role of Ventricles of the heart. Therefore, the incident would cause a decreased contractility leading to the decline in the curve. This is going to be the significant difference in the diagram. The medications and the necessary precautions would be given to patients for the improvement of their condition in the future.

Ans2- The second questions require the evaluation of the Marvin's decreased ejection fraction. The initial definition of decreased ejection fracture states that it happens when a reduction in the volume of blood occurs during ventricular heart contraction. The percentage that occurs during the computation has a comparison. The volume of blood ejected during a ventricular contraction of heart has a comparison with the previous volume before the incident of Myocardial Infarction took place. Therefore, this is the overall meaning of the decreased ejection fraction. The medications would prove to be useful for Marvin in future.

Ans3- The third question requires the analysis of the rationale for treating Marvin with a positive inotropic agent, such as digitalis. The primary purpose of inotropic agent is to influence the force of muscular contractions after the heart attack. This is necessary for bringing stability to the patient's condition. The drugs such as the dobutamine and enoximone given to the patients have positive inotropic action that stimulates the heart muscle contractions. This increases the heart rate to a very large extent. The recommended medicine for the heart patients is Digitalis. The reason is that patients suffering from a heart problem face the reduction in the level of digitalis in their blood. The risk factors increase for ...
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