Case Study

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Social Work Practices with the Older Adults

Social Work Practices with the Older Adults


This paper discusses the case study referring to the financial conditions of Gladys Smith, suspected as financial abuse by her son. Gladys Smith is an old woman of 82 years age, who has lost her husband and even her daughter recently. This tragic event has affected her mental conditions greatly, due to which she is now suffering from numerous severe diseases and disorders. However, her growing age is also another and most important reason of her sufferings. Her condition is worst in this regard, and needs utmost care form the medical and social aspects, together with the consideration of legislations and policies pertaining to the care packages offered to the elderly people (

Gladys's son Peter is responsible for managing the financial needs of her family together with her mother. The poor condition of Gladys led to the investigation of the financial support provided to her, in terms of a safeguard meeting. However, Peter proved it that he has been supporting her mother to his best; still there were issues because of the package of care rendered to the financial support of elderly people. Dealing with her mother's issues, Peter was not able to manage his own expenses related to his family. He was financially under strain being the only carer of his mother and his family (

The package of care responsible for dealing with the older people was not appropriate and needed reassessment in order to provide the required services to the older people.


This paper aims to identify the social work practise in serving the older adults of the society and maintaining their lifestyles, together with their carers and their families. Like in this case, Peter is stressed in managing the needs of her widow mother together with his own family. The case of Gladys needs the assessment of the care packages provided by the government towards the betterment of older people of the society. The role of the social workers in this regard is of immense significance as the elderly people are greatly suffering in the society in terms of their needs fulfilment and their health issues.

Health Related Issues faced by Gladys

This case emphasizes the effects of old age in one's life. The elderly people face several issues in their lives specially related to their health. Old age is prone to the threats of health related concerns as this age carries several diseases and disorders with it. The diseases at first require proper diagnostic approach, and if the person has an access to these diagnostic approaches, then it is carried out by the treatment expenses. This is not in access of every individual as not everyone is capable of managing the financial expenses together with the unhealthy conditions. When a person faces inadequacy of resources and relies upon the carers or the families, then the person might get depressed and feel dejected. The depression leads to the mental health disorder, which is also another ...
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