Case Study

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Case Study



Question #11


Self-disclosure and Values1

Elements of Self-Disclosure1

Question #22


Bipolar and Stigma2

Beneficial Turn in Disclosing2

Question #32

Assessment of Catherine's Situation2

Conclusions and Recommendations3


Case Study Marketing Management


Communication comprises as one of the most intimate and integral parts of the human existence on this planet. Humans and people do not dwell in vacuum or void; people attract each other, interact with each and most significantly, depend on the others for a great many functions of the human life and everyday chores. Besides the normal social settings, organizations induct and utilize one of the biggest workforces entailing people from all walks of life. There are numerous instances when the people interact and talk to each other; and for the same reason, theorists have attempted to delve into the matter and investigate about the communication in organizational settings.


Question #1


The construct of self disclosure, in its generic and general meaning, does not confine itself to the organizational settings only; it is rather a concept that is ingrained in the daily lives and interactions of the human beings. The act of self-disclosure refers to the sharing of any information that is related to the person and reveals something about the speaker. For instance, in the case study what Catherine is facing, is the dilemma of the disclosing some personal information to the other people around.

Self-disclosure, as the literature suggests (Creative Commons, 2012, p. n.d), is one of the thought and investigated concepts in the psychological and communication theories and perspectives. Compared to Catherine's case, contents on self-disclosure describe that it is not always a dilemma or represents a problematic situation; people might also utilize self-disclosure to outwardly express something personal about themselves which they want the people know.

Self-disclosure and Values

The literature and theories of self-disclosure (Myers, 2003, p. 7) also talk about the factors which are affected and impacted by the disclosure and admission of personal information. One such factor of the self-disclosure might include the values and associations of the person involved in the matter. For instance, considering the situation of Catherine, there is involvement of many factors and values in disclosing her state; she is in a decision making and authoritative position in her company which might be at jeopardy if she discloses her mental state and condition.

Elements of Self-Disclosure

Myers (2003, p. 7) also mention about the elements that are involved and included in the circumstances of disclosure. These elements include numerous theories and constructs proposed for the situations such as the Catherine's. The elements include the levels of organizational communication and its patterns; the situation and conditions preceding or following the self-disclosure are also greatly affected by the types and kinds of communications prevalent in the organizations. Open and conservative environments of organizations might differ in such situations and in dealing with them; yet, there exists no clear and reliable predication of environment and the communication patterns prevalent in the organizations.

Question #2

In Catherine's case, her situation presents a problematic situation because of the concept that the literature mentions as ...
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