Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

SWOT Analysis


Strength of an organization is the extent to which internet environment of the organization can provide benefits for the organization. The major strength of the company is that it is one of the biggest hardware chains running in the industry of Australia. The company already has large number of data base. It enables the company to come with new products and services as it has vast knowledge about the task and preferences of the customer existing in the region of Australia. The company has also acquired many of the large players of the market which has further increased its number of customers. The company is not facing competition from any other company that has the resources and market share as compared to Templeton Caravans.


The weaknesses of an organization include the areas of internal environment of the business which can be harmful for the success of the company. It is important for organizations to identify their weaknesses and work accordingly in order to reduce and eliminate them. The major weakness of the company is that it consisted of employees from various companies that were acquired by Templeton. It is not easy for employees from various companies to work together in an effective and efficient way. Therefore, it becomes important for the management to look for ways for managing diverse workforce. The strategy of the company to sell various sites of The Great Outdoor has already decreased the motivational level of the employees. The employees of the company are afraid of losing their jobs if the company further sells of any of its business unit. The target market for the company mostly includes baby boomers. However, the company has not been successful in increasing its sales revenue. Therefore, it is important for the company to improvise its strategies regarding market segmentation, positioning and targeting. Another major weakness of the company includes the lack of various market segments and product portfolio. The company is highly reliable on similar kinds of goods and services. The failure in one particular area of the business can cause great problems for the company.


Opportunities of an organization refer to the existence of external environment that can be availed by the organization to gain sufficient benefits. Templeton has the opportunity to expand itself in the different markets along with the introduction of new products and services. Since the company is operating in Australia, it has great opportunity to take advantages of the healthy economical, political, technological and environmental factors of the country. The analysis of the country shows an increasing trend of gross domestic product. Therefore, Templeton has the opportunity to increase its sales by introducing more and more new products and services.

The strong financial position of Templeton enables it to further acquire companies in order to increase its share in the market place. The company has large number of employees with vast skills and experience. The strong human resource of the company can be seen as great opportunity for Templeton to achieve ...
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