Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


Communication plays an important role in the overall performance of an organization. If there is good communication between among the employees and the management than the overall working environment of the organization will be affected. Similarly, the communication should not be centralized as due to the centralized communication, the employees face difficulty. On the other hand, if the communication is decentralized employees feel difficulty as to whom they should coordinate for the work related problems. Similarly, the perception in the organization is also very important, if the employees develop negative perception due to the attitude of the management than their performance will be affected. The management should treat the employees in a friendly way only than they will perform with motivation and commitment.

The performance and Commitment of any individual within an organization is linked to the encouragement and support of the management and the head of departments. If your boss is cooperative and supports you in your personal ad work related problems than ultimately you will perform well. On the other hand, you are mainly asked to show performance and no one is there to help you or motivate you than surely your performance and commitment will decline. The performance and the commitment of the employees can be improved and enhanced greatly by motivating and encouraging them. Similarly, if there is no motivation of and encouragement of the employees then eventually with the passage of time their performance and commitment will lower down.


What roles do you think perception and communication have in the above case? Consider mostly the 3 principal actors Jones, Smith and Ray.

In the above case perception and communication have very important role. The whole case revolves around the use of the communication and the resulting perception of the employees and the employer. Jones, Smith and Ray are the three principal actors in the whole case. Ray is a fresh rural graduate who has been hired for the audit department. Mr. Jones is a field office manger and indirectly supervises the audit area. On the other hand, Mr. Smith is involved in the direct supervision of the audit department. The audit department is not performing well from a lot of time and the turnover is also very high. Mr. Jones wants to make the Maidstone field office number one in the entire department. Both MR. Smith and MR. Jones are experienced accountants and they know that the department is not performing well. However, the strategies they have employed to address these problems are not up to the mark.

When Ray entered the department he developed negative perception about Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones which he heard from his colleagues. Similarly, his perception about them further strengthened when he had official conservation. He was told that Mr. Smith is performance oriented person and this fact was confirmed when he met Mr. Smith who told him nothing but only to show performance. Furthermore, there was also lack of communication between Mr. Smith and Ray, when after the initial training ...
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