Case Study

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Case Study and Instructions


School shootings have opened the eyes of a lot of Americans to the reality of our weak gun laws. Just as Helmke said, we have weak almost nonexistent gun laws in this country and we're seeing almost the nature result of having weak, nonexistent gun laws with the Virginia Tech shootings and the 32 murders that happen every day. Over the past three years, school massacres are following a yearly pattern, and becoming more common. This paper analyze the case of Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech in which Seung-Hui Cho, a student killed 32 people. The analysis is done on the basis of Report of the Review Panel on the case.

Case Study and Instructions

1-Subsequent Revisions to on and off Campus Reports

On 13th April, 2007, threats of bomb blast were made to Whittemore, Durham, and Torgersen halls, in the form of a note from anonymous. VTPD assessed those threats; and all people from the buildings were got out. There's no cancellation or lockdown of classes somewhere else on campus. Retrospectively, no evidence was found through which we can say that these threats are linked with later bomb threat by Seung Hui Cho in Norris Hall, on the basis of part on analysis of handwriting.

On 16th April, 2007, between 08:10 to 09:25 a.m, updated information was provides via phone by Chief Flinchum to the Virginia Tech Policy Group on progress of inquiry. He tells them a potential suspect, which is most likely off campus (Davies, 2008). At 09:24 a.m., deputy sheriff of Virginia initiates a stop of traffic of boyfriend of Hilsher in his pickup truck off campus. Questioning was assisted by detectives. At 08:20 a.m, someone fitting description of Cho is seen on campus near the Duck Pond. At 9:41 a.m., a dispatcher of BPD received a call about the Norris Hall shooting. Initially, the dispatcher has complicatedness understanding the shooting location. As observed as being on-campus, the call is transferred to VTPD.

2-Seung-Hui Cho's Upbringing and Family of Origin

In 1984, in South Korea, Seung-Hui Cho was born. When he's only 8, his family had migration to the U.S., in U.S. they're running a business of dry-cleaning in Virginia. Picsked on at a young age by other students, Cho was afterward expressed by his professors at college as a problem loner. In 2005, he was accused twice for annoying female students, but the victim did not file charges. In December 2005, a statement for suicide by Cho to a colleague taken him to a psychiatric hospital, however he was discharged with orders for being treated with therapy as an outpatient. On 16th April, 2007, Cho started his riot by attacking on two students who were killed in that attack in a dormitory (Hauser, & O'Connor, 2007).

3- Indicators of Conflict, Aggression, and Mental Instability

The indicators that leads to conflict, mental instability, and aggression in Seung-Hui Cho's life are:


Lack of proper supervision from professors

Cho's development in early age was effected by inordinate shyness and physical ...
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