Case Study

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Case Study

Answers to the Case Study

1. Discuss the contribution the company's vision and objectives have made to its successful strategy implementation drawing on theory and the case.

The Vision of Starbuck is quite broad that aims to create a culture of belonging with the help of a cup of coffee. They believe in providing its customers with high quality coffee and snacks in the most desirable ambience. They focus on establishing a unique sense of interaction among their customers. Social responsibility is another feature of the company. They company's vision renders relentless support to their selected five competitive strategies. They broad vision to generate a culture in the entire world for which they have adopted the expansion strategy. Their human resources are imperative to delivering the promised value with their brand. A theory of behavior about market expansion is founding on the prevalent opportunities in the market. To avail the opportunities, the company has gone for market expansion since they have the needed potential to cater the need of the consumers in the market. Their human resources approach is inspired by the Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. The company considers their employees as their strategic partners. Starbucks fulfils the need requirements of their employees and in turn, they expect them to be loyal and put in their 100%. They have placed psychological pricing criteria in the minds of their consumers. Starbucks is an expensive brand; however their customers are ready to pay for the quality they provide with (Sabrautzki, 2010, pp. 2-34; Sabrautzki, 2010, pp. 2-34).

Market expansion strategy is mostly successful companies like Starbucks. They have a big consumer market and are operating globally. Their distribution channels are well-intrigued with prompt communication. Their strategic partnership shows a strong commitment their vision. Besides there are other imperative factors given below:

Employee Approach

Starbucks' one of the success factor is their interaction with their customers. They value the customs and traditions of their employees and welcome them no matter who they are. They invest in their employees to learn to behave extra ordinarily with their customers. They give regular training and workshops to their employees and connect them to the changing trends in the markets (Fleisher, 2008, pp.1-100).

Core Competency and Vision

The company's main role is to make sure that the culture at the organization has to be compatible with the nature of human workforce. They aim to create a sense of emotional association with the company. Here the leadership at Starbucks must be given credit for holding on to the vision for the employees Emerald Group Publishing Limited and Randall, 2005, pp.7-9).

Experimenting and Innovating Approach

They believe in continuous innovation by experimenting all possible ways and to acquire competitive advantage over their competitors. They have store with world class technology, music and CD innovation (Flamholtz & Randle, 2011, pp.1-100).

2. “five competitive strategies” is most closely aligned to the company's strategy.

Store Expansion

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