Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


The aim of this paper is to make evaluations of two case studies i.e. “Coach K: A Matter of the Heart,” and “Coach Knight: A Will to Win”. The analysis of the case studies is based on path-goal theory and leader-member exchange (LMX).

Thesis Statement

“In this world there are various forms of leadership which are based on values, beliefs, preferences. Leadership styles results in best if it is adapted to the demands of situation, requirements and challenges”.

Discussion and Analysis

The analysis of the both case studies reveals that there is a difference in leadership types of Coach Knight and of Coach Krzyszewski. Furthermore, it can be said that authors sketch two successful leaders who were great achievers despite of huge variations and differences in leadership styles. The principles of path goal theory is based on the fact that leader is most effective if he/she have the support of his followers. The great leaders remove the barriers, reward followers and motivated at every level. The case reveals that the coach Krzyzewski has adopted the all elements of path of theory. Basically the path goal contains the four important components such as directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership and achievement oriented leadership. Coach K has adopted the all four components depending on the required situations. Furthermore, the case study also reflected that the Coach Krzyzewski is not only the effective trainer, but also the special advisor for the University's president and main spokesperson for the school. He is the coach of the basketball team (Snook, 2005).

During the game, it is vital that the each game player should know about the group goal and a very concise understanding of the coach's Krzyzewski expectations. The players in the team have the firm belief that a coach Krzyzewski is a person who helps players to take responsibility in achieving a common goal in a group synergy. In fact, coach Krzyzewski as an effective leader knows how to get players to excel in order to obtain maximum results with minimal supervision. The role of the coach Krzyzewski, role towards his team is achievement oriented and directive. Coach Krzyzewski sets challenging goals for his players and expect that all the team players will try their best to achieve them through demonstrating the confidence, sincerity and integrity (Kowalski, 2010).

Coach Krzyzewski has adopted the supportive style of leadership which fulfills the criteria of path goal theory. He has succeeded not only in maintaining the highest levels of discipline in the team but he has also proved that the support of leader is the highest motivating factor behind the success of any team. He taught his team how to become best by analyzing practices, strategies and games. Coach Krzyzewski believed in open communication with all players through proving the assistance, advices and participation.

While on the other hand, Coach Knight showed the characteristics of a pioneer who is task oriented. He set particular goals and permitted nothing to meddle with realizing his ...
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