Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


The following case study is about a child named Jimmy who is in year five of his school life; however, the teachers at school reported his anxious behaviour, which has been increased in severity with a time period of few months. As reported by the teachers, his behaviour varies from being unable to write down his idea and sometimes hitting his head and moving hands around the throat. Similarly, he lashed out the fellow students in the class as well. On the other hand, his parents reported that Jimmy has been witnessing a negative environment at home because both the parents are unemployed and few times they argued and swear in front of him.

Therefore, in the following study, the author formulated intervention plan for the teachers and for the parents that might help them in controlling Jimmy's behaviour and bringing him back to normal life.

Intervention Plan

What Parents can do

Children like Jimmy who faced stressful situations like mental restlessness, behavioural problems and poverty are the factors that lead to live an adverse life and this what actually jimmy's life is going at the moment. There are several internal risks that are associated with Jimmy because possible chances are that if his parents did not pay attention over jimmy than the possible chances are there the things might get worse. Therefore, to control and alter his behaviour, his parents need to promote resiliency by providing Jimmy some protective factors. A healthy symptom with most of the cases like Jimmy who grow up in problematic families with many challenges do overcome the odds and manifest 'resilience' (CECP, 2013a, pp. 1-6). Generally, resiliency is based on certain protective factors, which are certain qualities and abilities that assist in altering the situation that might be expected to produce negative outcomes.

Protective factors are basically divided into internal and external factors. Therefore, the internal factors are basically the child ability to control his emotions and actions, and to make decisions instead of just letting things happen in the wrong direction. As in the case of Jimmy, the evidence stated that the internal factors did not properly developed, however, resilient children normally take responsibility of their decision. Therefore, the intervention plan is designed in such a way to assist the parents in altering Jimmy's behaviour.

On the other hand, external factors found at home, school or even in community. The author identified three themes on which the external factors based on; (1) positive and high expectations, (2) caring relationship and (3) opportunities available for meaningful participation. The protective factors at home may involve attachment of child with one of the parent who passes on healthy and positive energy at home. In the case of Jimmy, his mother could play a vital role because she can communicate to him that how important is to be well behaving child in school and also the importance of education (Ayers, et. al., 2000, pp. 126-34).

Implementation Phase

In the implementation phase, parents already understood the ...
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