From the above sensitivity analysis, it can be observed that the net present value of the Burlington Motor Carriers is in negative which allows to compare initial investment with future returns. It is widely used to study the feasibility of a project or new business, to indicate whether it is worthwhile, or whether it is more advantageous than simply leaving the money invested (Strischek, 2001, 42-38). Moreover, it can be said that the Burlington Motor Carriers should not install a two-way mobile satellite messaging service on its 2,000 trucks.
In relation to sensitivity analysis of the Burlington Motor Carriers, the most significant aspects are the following types of risks:
Risks associated with the instability of economic legislation and the current economic situation, investment conditions and the use of profits.External economic risk (the possibility of introducing restrictions on trade and delivery, closures, etc.)
Completeness or accuracy of information on the dynamics of technical and economic parameters, the parameters ...