Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


I interviewed two persons for the case study, one of them is a recent graduate who worked for one and half years as a demonstrator with King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and another was an associate professor working for over twenty years with Fahad Security College, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The interview was performed to get the responses from the interviewees regarding their choice of career, understanding their experience of work, their views on the working environment and challenges they are facing in their career progression. The point of the case study is to analyze the responses collected through interviews and performing comparison of career influences, career decision making processes and career development of a recent graduate and an associate professor who has been working for 20 years. The things I focused on in interviews and analysis was the comparison of career influences, career decision making processes and career development in relation with different relevant career theories.

Recent Graduate

Summary of Responses

The recent graduate whom I interviewed worked as a demonstrator for one and half years with King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and then university sent him to complete his postgraduate studies. He pointed out a lot of changes to be made in the working environment of like, as he is teaching Histopathology in the university, he needs more microscopes, and other laboratory related equipment in order to make his work more meaningful and satisfying. He liked to be recognized, acknowledged and rewarded for his work through promotions, presents or having his photo on the best worker for the month. He thinks that he needs to keep polishing and increasing of his work related skills through attending workshops that will help him in his career development. He likes to get respects for presenting new ideas and unfair means of dealing with employees de-motivates him. His career interest is influenced by not to gain more increase in pay rather than he wants to get good reputation and appreciation. He is well organized and skilled in time management and he feels like a valuable contributor when he is appreciated for his good work.


Career Influence

According to the Holland's theory of career choice, a workplace comprised of six major work environments and people comprised of six personality types. Holland gave the same names to both as realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional. Holland states that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can work with those who are like them. People will favor the environments that will let them use their skill set and abilities. In this case, the recent graduate like working with students to teach, train and inform them about the latest techniques of the Histopathology. The recent graduate falls in the “social” type of Holland's theory as he chose the career of teaching because he likes working with students and he is concerned about the effective learning of students. He mentioned is passion in one answer.”I am teaching Histopathology (Study of tissues and tumors) I think ...
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