Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

Case No. 1

The patient like in this case is a cancer patient who is receiving number of treatments.

One treatment is “allopurinol” which has another name as “Zyloprim”. It tends to treat the patients with leukaemia, malignancies and one more that is lymphoma. With the intake of this ailment as cancer therapy, there is a rise in serum and standard level of (urinary) uric acid. Doctors have to terminate this course if there is incessant rise in the assembly of serum and uric acid. Standard dose is 200-300 mg per day.


It is artificial glucocorticosteroid that bears low mineralocorticoid bustle. It is intoxicating anti-inflammatory medicine and has more potent as compared to hydrocortisone (approximately 16 times). It works against nausea, air blocking, cerebral oedema and other persistent soreness.


It connects to the reticence of microtubule creation within mitotic spindle which leads to the stopping of cell division in the metaphase (DeAngelis and Posner, 2008, p. 15). The therapy has gained success in public except in the case of central nervous system cancer. It bears some issues with the absorption. It works in a combination of other cancer agents (DeAngelis and Posner, 2008, p. 15).


It comes in the form of injection which has an amalgamation with many other proposed anti-leukemic treatments. It tends to focus on the reduction in chronic nonlymphocytic cancer in adults and children. It basically works on DNA (DeAngelis and Posner, 2008, p. 67).

Pegylated L-asparaginase

Asparaginase aims to diminish asparaginase in ALL which stands for “acute lymphoblastic leukaemia”. It is a paediatric cure. Nowadays researchers have found the usage of this treatment among young adults. This medicine accelerates the alteration of L-asparagine which is amino acid. It provides an alternate way to form L-asparagine through aspartic acid (DeAngelis and Posner, 2008, p. 67).


It has a complicated mechanism but is quite useful in the basic chemistry and combination of dosage. In human cell mechanism the abnormal and unusual replica of cells leads to cancer which further needs folic acid. It is different from folic acid on the note of amine group (DeAngelis and Posner, 2008, p. 67).

Meropenem works with many penicillin bound proteins that restrains peptidoglycan fusion in the cell wall of bacteria and holds back the wall. Gentamicin slows down the fusion of bacterial proteins by aligning it with 30S and 50S sub-component of ribosome (Kelvin and Tyson, 2010, p. 26).

Teicoplanin serves as an anti-biotic which works in the process of prophylaxis and ailment of chronic illness. Gram-positive is a type of bacteria that causes this infection. Ceftriaxone has a tendency to work against the symptoms of fever. The boy had high fever for which ceftriaxone needed to use (Kelvin and Tyson, 2010, p. 26).

Teicoplanin is an anti-biotic that has been used to cure the high fever that turned into chronic. Teicoplanin is i.v. that goes directly into veins (Kelvin and Tyson, 2010, p. 26).

Intravenous route was chosen instead of the previous oral administration to provide 100% bioavailability and ...
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