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Case Study

Case Study

Significance of diesel bus pollution and its impact on public health in New York: West Harlem Environmental Action & the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health.

Background of the scenario

Overview of the Organizations

There has been a massive influx of environmental related issues in USA. Thus it's important to discuss the role of organizations that have played a substantial role in alleviating the threat of environmental issues. WE ACT (West Harlem Environmental Action) is one of the first environmental organizations established in New York. It is run by people of all colors and as a result there is no presence of any discrimination. It is one of the most effective environmental justice organizations in the vicinity of New York. It was founded in 1988 aimed at addressing the community challenges that are based on environmental threats. It has been successful in addressing various issues that were of a social nature. Majority of the issues addressed by WE ACT have focused on the role of public policy and has looked at alleviating the concerns of the public regarding the social issues (WE ACT, 2013).

Another organization that is discussed extensively is The Columbia Center for Children's Center for Children's Environmental Health. It focuses on conducting community based research in the United States of America in order to study the impact of health effects pertaining to environment related exposures of children. They base their aims on conducting educational campaigns in order to make the children and parents aware about the potential hazards of various environment related issues. The practices employed are of great use in increasing awareness of different environment related issues to children and parents. It seeks to increase the community's participation in all the processes (CCCEH, 2013).

Policy Issue

Asthma and other forms of respiratory diseases have long been considered a potent threat for the betterment of American society. With the rising emission levels of buses there has been a massive outgrowth of asthma and other respiratory diseases. The major reason associated with the increased respiratory diseases has been the rising emission levels of buses. Diesel used by buses has contributed greatly to the rising trend of respiratory diseases because of their rising emission levels (Minkler et al, 2012). This issue has grave consequences for the health of the community and thus it required a long term resolution of the problem. The threat of diesel emission level is due to the enormous quantity of emission released by diesel. Diesel Engines have been known to emit 30 to 100 times extra dangerous particles than the use of gasoline engines and other forms of engines that have emission control. With an enormous emission level, the hazards pertaining to health were increasing at a rapid pace. Diesel engines emit 30 to 100 times more particles than gasoline engines that have emission control devices (Minkler et al, 2012).

Ways on how it was addressed

The issue of rising respiratory diseases due to enhanced diesel emissions required a comprehensive resolution and thus West Harlem ...
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