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Creativity and Innovation Case Study

Creativity and Innovation Case Study


In today's global economy, everything is changing at a fast pace. Hence, in order to align with the global context and move with the world, every individual has to adopt the change. Although, it is said to align with the changing context; thereafter, it is not an easy job. Change is the continuous process of reforming the perceptions, habit, attitudes, response and behavior for the same thing. Therefore, it becomes difficult for the employees to manage themselves with the rapid change.

Similarly, it becomes equally complicated for the organizations to implement the change and to motivate employees in accepting and managing themselves with the change. In an organization, diversification is seen and more generally, many different people work together in a particular arena and whenever change is implemented they resist to it. Managers use different techniques and tactics in collaboration of different strategy to implement the change. However, this implementation of the change affects each contributor of every domain in an organization. According to the studies, the degree of creativity is required when the organizations are processing the implementation of any innovation.

Hence, creativity is the essential part while processing any operation in the organization; whether, it is the consent with the supply and demand, or the risk of over work or increment in the monetary cost. Creativity is the ability of doing the work in an efficient way, complying with the specifications and solving a problem by initiating a pool of relevant information. This paper analysis the case study of CoInnovateCo and discusses how they have managed to implement the changes in the process to bring creativity and innovation in the thinking of their employees.

Questions from the Case Study

What changes to management, organisational attitudes, structures and procedures would need to occur when implementing such a model in an organization that had a more traditional design, more oriented to command and control, rather than innovation and creativity? You will need to draw on influential contributions to support your answer.

"Creativity is any act, idea or product that changes an existing domain or that transforms an existing domain into a new domain," (Gerry, 2009, pp. 28-36). Creativity resides in the ability to combine elements to form new combinations that have scientific value, as well as aesthetic, social and technical values (Galpin, 2008, pp. 85-90). It results from the interaction of knowledge, intelligence, experience, interest and enthusiasm. Consensual manner, we can define creativity as the ability to perform a production that is both new and adapted to the context in which it occurs. Creativity is seen as a precursor to innovation. "Innovation is the introduction and intentional role in a group or an organization of ideas, production processes or procedures for new appropriate unit designated for the individual, group, organization, or company benefit" (Amabile et al, 2004, pp. 5-32). In this context, organizational creativity allows the production of new and useful ideas by an individual or group of individuals working together, ...
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