Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

Hypothetical case

A hypothetical client is considered. A twenty year old girl is considering a marriage proposal of a friend. She is afraid to get married to him because she has a broken family background and has witnessed a disturbed marriage of her parents throughout her life.

Case Plan for this Hypothetical Client

This therapy process is considered as high way map with the sole goal of assuring the client about her positive outcomes of the marriage life. This hypothetical case can be resolved using the psychoanalytic therapy approach also referred to as talk therapy. In this therapy the unconscious thoughts of a person are causing the problems. So keeping this counseling therapy approach the following case plan has been designed to. The meetings with all the goals that are planned to be achieved during the course of each meeting have been discussed.

Meeting 1

The first meeting will be held only with the client in order to establish an easy relationship with her. General questions about her like her strengths, weaknesses, and personal healing potentials will be asked. Her family history will be asked and noted down. In the end few details about her friend will be asked. Then her opinion about her parents' married life will be discussed briefly. In the need she will be given the task of exploring her personal values.

Meeting 2

This meeting will be aimed at gaining complete information about her life history. She will be compelled to remember every significant event in her life. Every detail about her parents' married life will be discussed.

Meeting 3

This will be held in her parents' presence. They will also be observed. Her relationship with her will be discussed.


This will involve complete discussion about her friend and her present relation with him. He will also be interrogated privately in order ...
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