Case Study

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Case study An Academic Medical Centers Quality Journey

Case study An Academic Medical Centers Quality Journey

What Regulatory and Accreditation Standards exist?

The standards that exist for the UNTHSC are as following,

Excellence in everything the HSC does

Goals determined and executed by a strategic map

Budgets dedicated to plan priorities

Accountability through measurement of results

What Strategies are used for meeting these Standards?

In order to meet these standards mentioned above, UNTHSC required transformational leader who would unfreeze the culture of the organization through effective strategies that would benefit the organization.

Transformational Leader

To begin with, a transformational leader define the need for change, create new visions, engender commitment, and in due course transform the whole organization. This transformation is achieved by creating an understanding regarding the importance and value of the planned outcomes, and getting followers to surpass their self-interest. Transformational leadership adds to the organizational learning and development by identifying the challenges in goal achievement. Transformational leadership assists the acculturation process and promotes learning. In today's knowledge based economies in order to progress organizations need to keep up the pace with advancements for which leadership plays an important role. Leadership authorizes the creation of an encouraging environment for learning, which goes on to become a priceless organizational asset. Leaders practicing transformational leadership provoke a conviction among employees in their beliefs and an absolute obedience to orders. In addition, they also stimulate emotional involvement on the part of the follower for the missions and a feeling that they can contribute greatly in the accomplishment of the mission. Transformational leadership is a two-way process that influences both the leaders and their followers. As a consequence, transformational leadership increases the level of self-awareness and pushes employees to outperform themselves and thus, leads to organizational transformation. Transformational leadership can be developed through training. This is an important form the management perspective as they can develop capable employees to become leaders of tomorrow (Avolio & Bass, 1987).

Developing a Vision

House et al. (2004) used four descriptors for visionary aspects of transformational leadership: foresight, prepared, anticipatory, and plans ahead (p. 131). Polito (2010) found that exemplary transformational leaders inspire shared visions for their organizations. These leaders articulate a deficient status quo and inspiring vision, communicate to followers a sense of ownership of the vision, and demonstrate confidence in followers' abilities to realize the vision (Groves, 2006, p. 577). He also found that visioning is one of the most important but most poorly ...
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