Case Study

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Case studies

Case studies


First case study of Bob Small identifies that the community of disability is one of the biggest groups of minorities, who are exposed to social isolation and segregation, most often drove into unemployment, social isolation and poverty through reliance on the country. This is the result of systemic discrimination, and is being challenged by the disability social model that outlines disabilities as a creation of politics: it proposes the discrimination, segregation and barriers shaped by the society (intentionally or unintentionally) are the crucial components which define disability.

Second case study of Jean denotes that self Medication has been broadly an attribute of the system of public health. Through the re-categorization of particular medicines, the community know how to pay for provision that were available simply on recommendation in the past. Transactions of medications are currently comparable to a third bill of the drugs of NHS; countries distinguish self medication as a process of transmitting small expenditure of health care on consumers.

Third case study is of Mr. H, who has a learning disability that can be described as a disorder in one or more of the basic psychosomatic processes occupied in understanding or use of verbal or written speech, which may be evident as an incapability to pay attention, assume, talk, interpret, inscribe, predict, or do arithematic adding up. On the other hand, Miranda Ferrara (2010, pp. 437) characterized learning disability as disorders that has an effect on the ability of people to understand information that they look and listen to or to relate processed information in various fractions of brain.

Case Study # 1

Q1) Explain the disability and its consequences?

People with disabilities are labelled, stigmatized, marked for life by the simple fact of being different, and placed in a position of inferiority. This has generated an approach of rejection, shame, distress and discomfort, also over-familiar behaviour, which make them unable to fend for themselves. The disabled person, in theory, is a person with the same rights as others, but they are unfortunately prevented from exercising them by the discriminatory behaviour that society displays, making them feel like "second class citizens” (Barr et al, 2009, pp. 1485).

The fact remains that there is no person who is fully capable. There are hidden disabilities, not obvious, such as psychological disabilities which often go unnoticed or are suppressed, because the system does not allow them to be expressed. It should be noted that no diagnosis (national, regional or local) can measure the precise magnitude of social problems affecting the population.

Estimates from different sources and WHO, in countries like ours, 11% of the population suffer from some type and degree of disability (physical, sensory, mental or psychiatric). The area of research, information and institutional cooperation aims to articulate and develop measures that are not specific to any one of them for their instrumental markedly affect the content of the Plan includes that the research, is to understand the situation, needs and expectations of people with ...
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