Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

In the 18th and 19th century, country B was under the iron-fist rule of the massive British Empire. Back in that age, the country's economic wellbeing was largely dependent onsubsistence farming and exports of agricultural products to other nations earned the country considerable foreign exchange.The country's spices were another unique product that was famous at the time and were exported to far corners of the world.

However, under the burgeoning weight of widespread rebellions and uprisings, the British government began to lose its authority and control over the country. They eventually thought it better to leave the region in the late 1940s, passing over power and sovereignty to the nativeswho had long been oppressed under their tyrannical rule.With the departure of the British, the country aimed to embrace and establish a democratic style of governance.

It is evident after looking at the chain of events that led to the independence of country B that the plight of the poor and their determination to resist the tyrannical and hegemonic rule of the British served as the focal point of their resistance (Arceneaux, 2001).This is especially true in the case of the farmers who were exploited the most by the British for their valuable agricultural produce.The local producers of spices met the same fate as the farmers.

After taking over the farming lands, the Britishestablished a system whereby farmers were paid far less for their hard work and labor than they were rewarded previously. Any resistance from the farmers that was deemed to be an integral part of their revolution against the occupying forces was likened to treason and acts of terrorism by the British. Therefore, what was considered the fight for freedom against tyrannical rule was termed terrorism and treason by the British.

As a result, such acts were typically met with a severe ...
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