Case Study

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Social Roles in Caring Profession

Social Roles in Caring Profession

Outline the Conditions

Mary belonged to an unstable family. She is an illegitimate child and her parents and later divorced when she was merely 6 years old. Her father and mother both were very abusive. The father was also alcoholic as well as suffering from Casanova complex. The mother was an outcast in the society being a divorcee and a mother of illegitimate children. She left her town and started living in London with her children. The mother handled the social stresses by being violent and aggressive towards her children. This shows that violence, shouting and abuse was the family environment in which Mary and her siblings grew up in. Mary has been in deep depression since her childhood. However, she was determined as she left home with her siblings and became the only source of support for the family. She not only supported her siblings but also did her studies to become a secretary and later a fashion designer and interior designer. Due to her childhood experiences, she has commitment issues and fears of abandonment. However, she got married to a dentist eventually. As per the case study, her life became a little better after marriage and she devoted herself to her family, especially her two daughters. She even made a close friend. However, when her older daughter became pregnant, she became furious. She felt her daughter did the exact same mistake as her mother. After Dr. P evaluated her condition, it was observed that her depression is very severe with diverse symptoms. Dr. P assumes that the condition of Mary had worsened after her previous doctor placed her on antidepressants and hormone therapy. Mary also displays extreme suicidal feelings and strong resentment towards her mother and her older daughter.

Patient Profile

Name: Mary

Gender: Female

Age: 46 years old

Nationality: not available

Employment Records: Studied to be a secretary, later a fashion designer and interior decorator.

Family Profile and Social Networks

Father: Mary's father was an alcoholic and was abusive. He divorced her mother when Mary was only 6.

Mother: Mary's mother was unstable due to her condition. The burden of the society was handled by her through being aggressive and abusive towards her children.

Siblings: There is not much information about Mary's sibling. Mary was the eldest child and she has been taking care of and supporting her siblings since the age of 17.

Children: Mary has two daughters. The elder daughter has disappointed her as she became pregnant at a very young age.

Friends: Only one close friend.

Onset and Progression of the Condition

Depression can be a syndrome, i.e. a set of symptoms, or symptoms may appear as a partner in another entity or disorder, for example, as a result of illness. Mary has severe depression. Her depression has gradually increased throughout her life because of her bad experiences. The onset of the condition started earlier in her life when she was a children due to her abusive and aggressive ...
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