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Report on an Analysis of a Case study

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Report on an Analysis of a Case study


Panadol Osteo is a sustained-release paracetamol formulation promoted in New Zealand and Australia and marketed under trade name of GlaxoSmithKline; includes 33 percent immediate and 66 percent sustained-release portions. The generic formulation of Panadol Osteo is called Acetaminophen. In case of overdose, amalgamation can be deferred and the treatment of paracetamol nomogram may overlook possibly toxic paracetamol concentrations, but in case only one serum estimate is taken. It reports an enormous ingestion of Panadol Osteo along with biphasic, extended assimilation necessitate comprehensive treatment with N-acetylcysteine.

A 22-year-old young lady presented 8 hours after ingesting overdose of Panadol Osteo. The patient was snoozing. Activated charcoal was not given. The residence team has prearranged blood test to test for Paracetamol level of blood, six hours after Panadol Osteo ingestion, while begin an Intravenous Therapy of Normal Saline after 8 hours (1000/8).

Theoretical Principles for Analysis of Case Study

Buhler Stage Theory

In 1993, Charlotte Buhler suggested 5 stages of the human life span and explains them through specific psychological and biological changes essential each life phase. She classified life stages into four biological development stages as listed over life span. The first stage is between the ages 0 to 15 years where a person has progressive or physical growth without ability of reproduction and where decisions begin to be made; second stage ranging between the ages 15 to 25 years along with progressive growth and also has onset of reproductive ability, as well as begin to set goals; the third stage aged between 25 to 45 where a person assess his/ her goals and attention starts to be focused on oneself rather than outer world; and the last stage aged between 46 to 65 years in which a person declines physically and begins self assessment (Buhler, 1933, pp. 25-320).

Phuong Thi is a young 22 year old girl, according to Buhler stage theory; she is in second stage, where she needs to set goals for life. But, she took overdose if Panadol Osteo because she was depressed with her life conditions like breakup trauma; however, stated that she took tablets accidentally.

Cultural Perspective

Culture comprises of characteristic patterns of behaviours, beliefs, values and attitudes shared by certain population or members of a society. Cultural differences will have an effect on the willingness to accept information and integrate it into lifestyles, receptivity of a patient to patient education. However, in the case of Phuong Thi, the cultural perspective refers to the identification of significant culture specific clues associated to depression. As, Vietnam has a long history of war, and number of people came from Vietnam find it difficult to relate with foreign culture. Similarly, Phuong Thi was born in Vietnam and later migrated to Australia and brought in Australian culture, while her parents might stick to their tradition values and beliefs might be a cause of family distress coupled with long working hours and recent break ...
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