Case Study

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Case Study

Case One- Emirates Airline

Opportunities for Emirates Airlines

One of the many external factors that would be essential for the organizations to consider is the major opportunities, which are available for the company that it can exploit. All of these factors need to be analyzed and identified. The opportunities which are essential to be considered are;

Introduction and development of newer generation of airlines

Development of much more advanced services in the aviation industry

Emirates can strike itself into many other markets of the world, with the help of new innovations, which were introduced in the aviation industry in the year 2009.

Company has a great opportunity of expanding itself in to other regions of the world such as; Asia pacific, this would play an important role in improving the overall profits of the company, this step would also help the company to spread a positive market throughout the region

Many business ventures like the Disney land is becoming a source of attracting many international community's towards Dubai, which present a chance for Emirates airline to strengthen its economic condition

Threats for Emirates Airlines

There are certain factors which relates to the performance of the company. First of all there is a need for analyzing and identifying the company's potential and current threats, which the company is going to be facing in order to reach its objectives. Some of the major threats are;

The major threats for the company are its rivals such as; Etihad, and the Gulf Air

Since emirate airline is a state owned airline, the organization gets affected by the policies made by the government; this could be a major threat for its working at any instance

The company has failed recognize its demands, along with that it has also failed in maintaining its innovations

Another threat for the company is the ever increasing cost of the fuel

The airline cost is much higher as compared to many other low costs airlines such as Air Arabia and Jazeera Airways

These obvious complacence's of the company could be used by many of its rivals company's; this is the factor which could offer other company's a major advantage over Emirates

Since the airlines operates on a very large scale there is a huge amount of labor power required for dealing with several types of issues related to aircraft within the fleet. This has bought some difficulties for the company as they have been failing in satisfying the demand of the laborers, which has caused delays in their work

Strategic Human Resource Management

A strategic recruitment of the staff for the airline in which the right person is hired for the right job, and person who satisfies all organizational needs of the emirates airlines.

Implementation of a right mix of incentives, for motivating and engaging the employees, this would result in an improved performance of the company.

Making sure that a provision of right set of development and training programs are provided to all the employees of the company on an ongoing basis

Implementation of a performance management system for the identification of ...
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